Wellesbourne man jailed after grooming 14-year-old girl

A 28-year-old man from Wellesbourne who initiated sexual contact with a child has been jailed for nearly seven years.

Stephen Lidzy
Author: Phoebe GreggorPublished 25th Mar 2021

Stephen Lidzy of Newbold Place, Wellesbourne faced charges relating to the grooming of a 14-year-old girl and inciting her into sexual activity in February 2018.

He was arrested on 26 February 2018 after the victim told a relative what had happened to her.

After meeting the girl they spent the several weeks chatting and texting.

They met up on 2 February when Lidzy gave the girl cocaine before later in the evening inciting her into sexual activity.

Lidzy was jailed for six years and eight months and ordered to sign the sex offender register for life.

Last week he was found guilty of supplying cocaine, two counts of sexual activity with a child and causing a child to engage in sexual activity. He was jailed for six years and eight months.

Detective Sergeant Jen Baker from Warwickshire Police CID said: “Despite knowing his victim was only 14 Lidzy pursued her for his own sexual gratification.

“Lidzy’s behaviour was characteristic of those who seek to exploit and abuse children. He attempted to make a child feel special by giving her alcohol and offering her drugs, yet all the time he was grooming her.

“Officers acted quickly to arrest Lidzy following the report to ensure the safeguarding of a child and to prevent Lidzy committing further offences against those most vulnerable in society.

“I would like to pay tribute to the victim who has shown immense bravery during this investigation and true courage in reporting her ordeal to police meaning this man is now in prison and unable to cause further harm.”