Self-proclaimed 'retired burglar' from Rugby jailed for over two years

Anthony Nicholson was caught on camera trying to get into homes while families slept inside.

Author: Molly HookingsPublished 14th Feb 2023

A self-proclaimed ‘retired burglar’ from Rugby, who snored loudly and sung songs during his police interview, has been jailed after attempting to burgle two homes in the town while families were sleeping inside.

Shortly after midnight on 18 June last year, 63-year-old Anthony Nicholson was caught on doorbell cameras attempting to try two front doors.

Both doors were locked and he was unable to enter the homes.

Nicholson, of Alfred Green Close, was identified when officers were shown doorbell footage.

He was arrested five days later on Corporation Street.

During interview Nicholson, who has 47 previous convictions, was rude and disruptive.

He first claimed he had done nothing wrong and then that he did not know what he had done because he must have been drunk at the time of the offences.

Later in the interview Nicholson pretended to be asleep – and then began to snore loudly.

He then put his fingers in his ears and began to sing as officers tried to speak to him.

In the second interview Nicholson was shown CCTV footage of his trying two front doors.

This prompted him to retort that he had been looking for a party and had tried doors because he had got the wrong address - twice.

When officers identified several flaws in that explanation, Nicholson once again inserted his fingers into his ears and began to sing.

Nicholson was charged with two counts of attempt burglary dwelling with intent to steal and bailed awaiting sentencing.

He appeared before Warwick Crown Court where he was found guilty.

On 9 February, Nicholson was sentenced to two years and three months in prison.

Detective Constable Naughton, who led the investigation, said: “I welcome this sentence. Burglaries can leave families traumatised and feeling unsafe in their own home, and we take these crimes extremely seriously.

“I hope this serves as a lesson to those who would consider doing what Nicholson did – go to someone’s home with bad intent and you can expect us to do everything in our power to ensure you are presented to the courts.

“This case also highlights the great benefits of having doorbell cameras installed at your home.

“In this instance, the offender quickly abandoned his efforts at one door when he realised the homeowner’s doorbell camera had activated and was recording him.

“So not only do these cameras serve as a deterrent, they make it more likely that offenders will be identified quickly.”