Quick-thinking Cadet steps up to help seriously ill man in Coventry

2CV Cadet Braithwaite has been praised by West Midlands Police

Author: Jon BurkePublished 25th Sep 2023

Some quick thinking by a Police Cadet in Coventry has helped a seriously ill man receive potentially life-saving treatment.

2CV Cadet Braithwaite was on his way to a Cadets meeting on Tuesday night, when he saw a man in distress in the city centre.

Seeing the man was in trouble, Cadet Braithwaite rushed to Coventry Central Police Station where he notified two on-duty officers.

The officers went to find the man and discovered he was in a severe diabetic coma, with low insulin levels.

They called the ambulance service and the man was rushed to hospital, where life-saving treatment could be applied.

Thankfully, the man's condition stabilised and was no-longer life-threatening thanks to Cadet Braithwaite's actions.

Cadet Braithwaite said: "I hope this encourages people to say something if they see something.

"Even if you can't help someone or don't know how, just telling someone can make all the difference."

Chief Inspector, Daryl Lyon, said: "On behalf of the entire Coventry Local Policing Area I am extremely proud of the values Cadet Braithwaite has shown in this matter - undoubtably saving a life.

"While others passed by without intervening, Cadet Braithwaite demonstrated humanity, compassion and quick thinking to help the man get the life-saving treatment required, showing ingenuity and critical thinking which will no doubt serve him well in the future."

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