'Peace Picnic' in Coventry commemorates D-Day 80th anniversary

It takes place tomorrow afternoon

Author: Jon BurkePublished 5th Jun 2024

Coventry teacher, Rhy Davies, says it's important young people still understand what happened on D-Day - nearly 80 years since the Normandy landings.

Pupils from Cardinal Newman Catholic School will take part in a 'peace picnic', to celebrate the freedoms we now have.

The school has received visits from D-Day veterans in the past who have warned future generations to learn from their experiences of war.

The annual Peace Picnic at Coventry Peace Orchard, Coundon Hall Park, will be taking place on 80th anniversary of D Day, Thursday 6th June, between 1pm to 3pm and everyone is welcome.

If you're going, you're asked to bring some food and something comfortable to sit on.

The following tribute was sent during the coronavirus lockdown to Rhys Davies, at Cardinal Newman school. Rhys is part of the Peace Orchard planning group and has involved hundreds of Cardinal Newman pupils in fence building, wildflowers and bulb planting and creating seating and plaques.

“The Peace Orchard has been and continues to be a joy. It is a regular coffee and picnic stop, where our grandchildren, who we help home school, run to sit on “our” bench to enjoy ham sandwiches and hot chocolate.

"Our grandchildren have found and hidden stones, had lots of interesting conversations initiated by the quotes on the benches and have been able to watch the seasons in action.

"They were fascinated with the tiny apples on the trees this year!

"On walks around the Coundon wedge with friends, we stop for coffee and cake in the Peace Orchard. On a sunny day all of the benches are occupied with families and friends taking time away from the stresses and strains of lock down, making the most of the winter rays and views. We have friends who live in other parts of the city, who are so impressed with the work you have done and are busy spreading the word!

"So, I just wanted to write to let you know how much pleasure the orchard you have created has given and will continue to give us and say a very big thank you to you and your team …. The Peace Orchard now holds a special place in our hearts and does for many other local people too.”

Wendy Smith