Jail for man whose XL bully caused injury to walker

The incident happened in November 2022.

Author: Tom FeahenyPublished 19th Apr 2024

A man whose XL Bully dog attacked a another dogwalker near Gaydon has been jailed for a year.

Sean Thomas Peplow, 35, of Ladbroke Road, Bishops Itchington pleaded guilty to being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury that happened on 13 November 2022.

The victim was bitten on the hand and had serious tendon damage that required surgery, while one of their dogs also had to be put down.

PC Irwin from Warwickshire Police said:

“I would like to thank the victim for supporting this investigation and prosecution. He was left with a very serious injury, and I hope he can take some comfort from this outcome.

“Despite the severity of the attack Peplow made very little effort to cooperate with our investigation. In sentencing him the judge noted his lack of engagement and cooperation with police, and his attempts to minimise his culpability.

“I’d urge anyone with information in respect to dangerous dogs to report this to police so we can take the appropriate action.