Young Cornish driver's plea to impatient motorists who abuse 'black box' users

James Doyle is displaying a 'T' plate in the hope more experienced drivers will be less hostile.

Author: Jo SymesPublished 25th Sep 2020
Last updated 26th Sep 2020

A newly qualified driver in Cornwall is putting out a plea of patience to more experienced road users.

James Doyle, 19 from north Cornwall is one of a number of young drivers trialling use of a 'T' plate.

This lets other motorists know that their vehicle is fitted with a black box to ensure they are driving safely, to the speed limit, and within the law. However, young drivers say they are facing increased aggression from other road users.

For some, this includes feeling pressure to pull out of a junction when it is unsafe, being on the receiving end of rude hand gestures, being overtaken dangerously and experiencing another vehicle driving too close.

James told Pirate FM;

"As young drivers we are trying to focus on being the best we can be. The people who have more experience in driving feel like they don't need to do that and sometimes it's just a little bit scary."

In a recent survey of over four thousand young adults, more than half felt under pressure to drive faster by other road users.

A report released by Co-op Insurance shows 53 per cent of the UK's 17-25-year-old drivers are being put under pressure to drive faster by other motorists. As a result, a quarter (24 per cent) say they feel physically unsafe when driving.

In the South West, a third of drivers said they experienced this. According to the report, young drivers are often tarred with the ‘bad driver’ brush due to their lack of experience on the roads.

When asked what would help young drivers feel safer on the roads, more than two thirds said they wished other motorists knew they were driving with a black box and so must drive responsibly.

James had this message for other road users;

“Please understand that I’m trying to abide by my black box and by the law. I know you’re a bit more confident and you’ve been driving longer than me, but please give me some time to get to those sorts of speeds before getting impatient.”

From today, hundreds of young drivers will trial the T-plate and based on their feedback, thousands more could be rolled out in the coming months.