Warning as potentially 'lethal' palm oil washes up on Cornish beaches

The substance can be very dangerous to dogs

Palm oil washed up on beaches in west Cornwall in 2020
Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 6th Nov 2020


A warning has gone out after large quantities of dangerous palm oil were found washed up on beaches in west Cornwall.

Friends of Portheras Cove says it has been found in the Pendeen area in recent days.

The waxy substance can potentially be lethal to dogs and owners are being urged to keep their pets on leads.

"Palm Oil Warning! Strong onshore Northerly winds have brought in large quantities of palm oil to the Pendeen Coves.

"This can be lethal to dogs (and we found evidence of fresh dog bites on some pieces) so please keep dogs on leads and children well away too.

"Coastguard has been informed but we are unsure if they will help to remove it as the coves are all privately owned.

"Our volunteers moved what they could today, and monitored for several hours to keep dogs away, but some of the pieces are weighty, heavily contaminated and sticky.

"Please beware!"

Friends of Portheras Cove

Palm oil washed up in west Cornwall back in 2020

What is palm oil and why is it dangerous to dogs?

Palm oil is a waxy substance, often white, yellow or orange in colour.

Whilst it is not toxic to people, Vets Now explains why it can be dangerous to dogs.

"While palm oil is not poisonous to dogs, it does have a laxative effect and, if eaten, can cause sickness, diarrhoea, dehydration and, in extreme cases, pancreatitis.

"It can also cause blockages in the gut due to its semi-solid state.

"Some dogs have become seriously ill after ingesting palm oil.

"Much of the risk from palm oil is thought to derive from other toxic products mixed in it such a diesel oil from ships".

Vets Now

What should I do if my dog swallows palm oil?

Vets now says owners concerned their dog has eaten palm oil should contact their vet or, out of hours, their nearest emergency clinic or 24/7 hospital.

They say it is unlikely the vet will induce sickness as it may increase the risk of inhalation and add that you should not attempt to make your dog sick yourself.

Read more advice from Vets Now, including articles on owners whose pets have eaten palm oil.

If you see palm oil on the beach people are asked to report sightings to 0300 1234 141.

You can find more information from Cornwall Council here.