Virtual events to help target suicide rate in Cornwall

New figures show more than one person takes their own life in Cornwall every week

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 7th Sep 2020

A series of virtual events are being held to try and help reduce the suicide rate in Cornwall.

New official figures show 56 people died by suicide in the Duchy last year.

New figures show 56 people took their own lives in Cornwall last year

In a time when events are being cancelled, the Towards Zero Suicides collaborative, supported by Cornwall Council, are stepping up activity to mark World Suicide prevention day (Thursday 10th September).

Across the country many areas have cancelled their plans for a Towards Zero event this year.

Here in Cornwall the plan is to not only forge ahead with plans for a virtual event but extended it to a whole week’s worth of online workshops.

At the end of the week the successful bidders for the Suicide Prevention Innovation Grant will be announced.

Each year in Cornwall an event is held to bring the community together to think about the ways we can each support our ambition for zero suicides in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

This year, of course, things are happening a little differently in all areas of our lives and our mental health and wellbeing have never been more important.

The themes for the week are:

• Monday: Safety Planning

• Tuesday: Children and Young People

• Wednesday: Physical Activity

• Thursday: Hope

• Friday: Cornwall suicide prevention work update – include grant fund winners' announcement

“In a time where people’s worlds are very different, looking after our mental health and supporting each other is more important than ever. But it takes more than just looking out for friends and family. We’re encouraging communities to come together to learn how to reduce suicide in the places they live.

“Events like these are designed to be open to everyone who has an interest in reducing suicide rates to zero. It’s not just professionals who play a part in this, it really is a subject where everyone can have a role”.

Councillor Sally Hawken, cabinet member for Public Health and Wellbeing

“Our collaborative has been working hard together for years to do as much as we can across the lifespan to prevent mental ill health and try to stop people reaching a crisis point. This year, it’s no different.

“The plans to do a week of events shows how committed we are to tackle this issue head on”.

Dr Ellen Wilkinson Chief Clinical Information Officer for Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust

The events are being held over the week Monday 7th to Friday 11th September 2020.

Each day has a different theme, and on the final day there will be a local panel ready to take questions from the audience.

These questions can be submitted in advance to with TZ in the subject.