The 'new risks' in Cornwall caused by Covid and lockdown

Officials are warning of the impact on public safety

Author: Richard Whitehouse, Local Democracy ReporterPublished 25th Jan 2021

Increased anti-social behaviour, alcohol and drug problems; hate activity and abuse have all been identified as problems in Cornwall as a result of Covid and lockdown.

The Safer Cornwall Partnership – which brings together representatives from Cornwall Council, Devon and Cornwall Police, NHS and probation service – have provided details of new risks which have been highlighted in Cornwall.

They were included in a report which went before Cornwall Council’s neighbourhoods overview and scrutiny committee on Thursday.

The committee was considering a refresh of the partnership’s plan which included looking at some of the issues raised since the first lockdown in March 2021.

In a report the partnership explained that sessions were held among partners to look at the key areas affected by the pandemic – domestic abuse and sexual violence, anti-social behaviour and community tensions and youth issues.

One of the issues highlighted is “hostility towards visitors” when some people were criticising visitors for causing problems in Cornwall.

The report outlines the issues raised:

  1. As Cornwall emerged from the first national lockdown, towns experienced increased levels of anti-social behaviour, alcohol and drug-related problems. This surge in demand across multiple towns places significant pressure upon local resources, particularly outreach and support services
  1. Continued escalation of crack cocaine use and the impact on users, their families and the wider community; dangerous counterfeit drugs (local and national Drug Alert issued) and County Lines/Organised Crime Group activity including the exploitation of young people and vulnerable adults
  1. Two key themes identified for escalating community tensions – hostility towards people who are homeless or being supported in the community, incidents of vigilantism (including assaults) have been reported; hostility towards visitors, blaming them for litter, dog fouling, crowds/lack of social distancing, potential threat of virus transmission and impact on local health services
  1. Cornwall has also seen evidence of organised hate activity during the first national lockdown, exploiting anxieties about COVID-19 to spread racist messages
  1. A surge in demand for support from people who experienced abuse that had been hidden in the home during lockdown. Volume of referrals to services quickly climbed above pre-COVID levels and the extended period without being able to access help means cases have become more complex and more intensive support is needed. A spike in referrals was predicted further to schools reopening in September and professionals resuming regular eyes-on contact, with impacts across all safeguarding themes, including radicalisation
  1. Deterioration in mental health in children and young people and in families; increase in online bullying and exposure to other online risks (such as grooming and radicalisation); increased complexity linked to poly-drug use and violence in the home.

In response to these risks and issues the Safer Cornwall Partnership has set out which organisations will respond to them and the priority outcomes which it wants to achieve.