Police and Crime Commissioner pledges to reopen police station front desks in Cornwall

Conservative, Alison Hernandez, has been re-elected as PCC following the local elections

Author: Emma HartPublished 11th May 2021

The woman responsible for policing across Cornwall and Devon tells us getting extra frontline officers onto our streets is a top priority.

Alison Hernandez had promised almost 500 and says the force is well on its way to delivering that.

She has been re-elected as our Police and Crime Commissioner for the next three years, with a majority of more than 65% of the votes: Read more.

The result was not declared until late on Monday night, when Ms Hernandez used her victory speech to lay out her main objectives.

Those also included making Devon and Cornwall the safest place to live and reopening police station front desks, in places like Penzance.

"I think the biggest thing for us at the moment - I've been talking about reopening front desks of police stations.

"We've already opened Newquay - I did that last year.

"Tiverton's next in Devon but I think there's a few stations in Cornwall that are really quite keen to be reopened again.

"I think we'll be looking at Penzance, particularly. There's also a couple of others that I'm just waiting to see if that's where they'd like to see that investment happen".

She added: "The next thing for us - we've really got to get those police officers out on the streets.

"I think our rural communities are expecting policing to come back into their rural areas so we want to make sure and it'll be the Chief Constable's number one objective".

Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner, Alison Hernandez