Dedicated Covid police cars to patrol streets of Cornwall

10 units will be out enforcing restrictions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.

Author: Jo SymesPublished 30th Nov 2020
Last updated 30th Nov 2020

Police across Devon and Cornwall have launched ten dedicated 'covid patrol cars' in a bid to crackdown on those not adhering to the Government's latest coronavirus restrictions.

Patrol units will be in operation on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings in streets across the Duchy and Devon.

The idea behind this is to engage, explain and encourage residents to comply with the Government's guidance, however, enforcement will be considered via a fixed penalty notice.

The force says it's been able to implement patrols due to the funding it received from the Government's 'COVID Surge Fund' earlier this year.

Funding of these units is said to remain in place until the end of March, but will remain under constant review to reflect the Government's latest guidance.

"Following their successful use earlier in the year and as part of the COVID Surge Funding that the Force has received from the Government, Devon and Cornwall Police have made up to ten additional dedicated double-crewed units to be available to patrol at various locations across the force area.

"Their sole purpose will be to respond to COVID-related matters and these vehicles are additional to current response levels.

"Funding of these units remains in place until the end of March 2021, but their use will remain under constant review and will naturally reflect the localised situation and tier that the Government has placed our area within.

"Our policing approach from those working within these vehicles is the same as our wider approach, and that is to engage, explain and encourage people to comply, and as a last resort consider enforcement via a fixed penalty notice."

Spokesperson, Devon and Cornwall Police