Devon and Cornwall Police have issued over 1,400 coronavirus fines since Christmas

The total handed out after December 20th and at the start of the year was more than half of ALL those issued since the pandemic began

Author: Alex Ross, Data Reporter and Emma HartPublished 30th Apr 2021

More than 1,000 fines were issued by police in Devon and Cornwall for breaches of Covid-19 laws over Christmas and the start of this year.

Figures have revealed that is more than half of ALL fines the force has issued since the start of the pandemic.

Figures published by the National Police Chiefs' Council reveal a total of 2,635 fixed penalty notices were recorded as being issued by Devon and Cornwall Police between March 27th last year and April 18th this year.

They include 1,402 fines after December 20th - 53% of the total handed out by officers since the pandemic began.

The figures also show the number of fines issued over more recent weeks, with 249 given out by officers between March 14th and April 18th.

Across England and Wales, police forces have issued 110,322 fixed penalty notices under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations.

What were the fines for?

Of the fines in Devon and Cornwall from March 27th last year to April 18th this year, there were 10 for failing to wear a face covering when required, and 11 for breaching international travel rules.

There were also five for breaking business regulations and two for holding a gathering of more than 30 people.

Another included the trio who travelled from Somerset to Land's End to 'see the cliffs in bad weather'!

The remaining fines were for offences not specifically provided by the NPCC at a force level.

The figures cover the end of the tier system, which saw stricter restrictions on hospitality businesses and a banning of travel between areas with different tiers.

It was followed by the third national lockdown from January 6 when people were told to stay at home.

Since then, a lifting of restrictions saw schools reopen in March followed by a rule allowing groups of up to six of two households to meet outside.

In April, measures were further relaxed with the opening of retail, public buildings and holiday lets.

Nationwide, the approach by police has been called into question by MPs and peers who, in calling for a review, have described the fines as "muddled, discriminatory and unfair".

In a report, the Joint Committee on Human Rights said the Coronavirus Act had been misunderstood and wrongly applied by police.

The JCHR has criticised the system, raising concerns over the validity of the fines, the inadequacy of the review and appeal process and the size of penalties.

The maximum penalty for the breach of a Covid-19 law is £10,000.

Harriet Harman, JCHR chair, said: "The police have had a difficult job in policing the pandemic.

"We hope that their initial approach – to engage, explain and encourage before issuing fixed penalty notices – will continue.

"However, since January there have been greater numbers of FPNs as police move more quickly to enforcement action".

Harriet Harman, Joint Committee on Human Rights

Coronavirus rules have changed at least 65 times since March 2020, providing “obvious challenges for police”, according to a report by the JCHR.

The report said: "It is astonishing that the Coronavirus Act is still being misunderstood and wrongly applied by police to such an extent that every single criminal charge brought under the Act has been brought incorrectly".

The NPCC said it would be considering the recommendations in the JCHR report.

Assistant Chief Constable Owen Weatherill, NPCC lead for the police response to Covid-19, said: "Policing has quickly adapted to changes in these unprecedented circumstances.

"When new regulations are issued, we ensure officers have additional guidance on the legislation and we continue to support them to reduce any errors in its application.

"We do recognise however that we have not got it right in every circumstance".

Assistant Chief Constable Owen Weatherill

He added that the NPCC would work with its criminal justice partners to rectify any errors.

You can check the full list of figures and read more from the NPCC here.