People from Tier 3 lockdown areas urged 'not to visit Cornwall'

Officials have issued a warning ahead of half term

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 23rd Oct 2020

People from Tier 3 lockdown areas are being urged not to visit Cornwall over half term.

The school holidays start next week.

But tourism bosses and Cornwall Council say holidaymakers from high risk areas should be stopped from heading to the Duchy.

Those living under the highest level of restrictions are advised by the Government not to travel out of their areas except under exceptional circumstances, but there are concerns that some people may still take the journey for a staycation.

Malcolm Bell, the chief executive of Visit Cornwall, has recommended accommodation providers not to take bookings from anyone living in the affected areas, and to cancel any planned visits from anyone already booked in into accommodation or visiting friends and relatives, unless the stay is one of the exceptions in the Government guidance.

The Government guidance states ‘people should avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK if they are resident in a ‘Very High’ area, or avoid staying overnight in a ‘Very High’ area if they are resident elsewhere’.

Mr Bell said: “We all need to play our part in limiting the spread and intensity of the Covid 19 crisis by reinforcing the Government guidance for areas with high level and high restriction, but also that everyone in Cornwall, visitor or residents must double our efforts with hand washing, the wearing of face coverings where required and especially social distancing.”

Malcolm Bell, Visit Cornwall

“Our first priority is to keep our residents safe during this pandemic and ensure that undue strain is not placed on our health service.

“It is not easy, especially after such a difficult year, to ask any business to turn trade away, but these are exceptional circumstances and we are asking everyone to work with us to keep Cornwall safe.

“In Cornwall we are seeing relatively low numbers of infections, which is welcome. However, we know from other areas of the country how quickly the picture can change.

“I am not willing to undo the fantastic work of our public health team in keeping our residents safe, and that is why I am asking those who visit us to follow the rules. Do not travel to Cornwall if you live in a high-risk area and help us to keep Cornwall safe.

“Our tourism industry is a vital part of the Cornish economy, and we all look forward to the day when we can welcome visitors back with no restrictions.

“However, while we remain in such a precarious position with regards to the pandemic, we must continue to protect our residents.”

Julian German, leader of Cornwall Council