Cornwall urged to join Truro's 'Oggy, Oggy' shout on St Piran's Day

Events are being organised across the Duchy but most are being done virtually because of the pandmic

St Piran's Day scenes like this parade in Penzance are being replaced with a host of virtual events for 2021, because of lockdown
Author: Emma HartPublished 5th Mar 2021

We've already celebrated our Covid heroes through #Clap4Carers, now Cornwall is staging an 'Oggy Oggy' shout on St Piran's Day.

Locals in Truro and beyond are being urged to voice the traditional chant from their windows at 6pm tonight (Friday 5th March).

It's one of a raft of events being held across the Duchy to mark out patron saint's special day.

The usual parades are being replaced with virtual celebrations because of the pandemic.

To finish off the day, as is tradition on St Piran's Day at 9pm, many will join a virtual singing of 'Trelawney'.

People across Cornwall are being urged to join Truro's 'Oggy, Oggy' shout at 6pm on St Piran's Day 2021

What's happening in Cornwall?

Kicking off the fun in Truro is a Children's St Piran's Day webinar party at 12.30pm, hosted by Lauren.

There will be some fun family challenges, including dancing and a practice sing of 'Oggy, Oggy' ready for later in the evening.

At 1.00pm the St Piran's Day Celebratory Film, commissioned by Truro City Council, will be released via the Truro St Piran's Day Facebook page, Truro St Piran's Day.

The film will feature memories, photos an film of past St Piran's Days in Truro, short dance clips of local Children doing the St Piran's day dance at home and a few words from Bert Biscoe, Mayor of Truro, The Bishop Philip, High Sheriff of Cornwall Kate Wild, the Lord Lieutenant Edward Bolitho and the Grand Bard of Cornwall Elizabeth Carne.

Next up is the Oggy, Oggy shout, residents are being encouraged at 6pm to come together outside there homes, or from windows to join in with the shout or tune into the Truro St Piran's Day Facebook page at 6pm for a live post with two of Truro's well known residents.

To finish off the day, as is tradition on St Piran's Day at 9pm, the City of Truro Male Voice Choir will sing the Trelawny Shout.

Children from Penzance and the surrounding areas will also be holding virtual events, including a virtual dance and online Zoom events to sing 'Trelawney'.

The St Piran in Penwith committee is also urging people to look out for the St Piran flags which will be hung through the streets of Penzance!

We are sure there are many other events taking place across the Duchy so, to all those who are celebrating, Happy St Piran's Day!

Truro's 'Oggy, Oggy' shout is one of a raft of virtual events being held across Cornwall on Friday 5th March 2021

Mayor of Truro, Bert Biscoe, said: "The last event in Truro before all this locking down started was St Piran's Day. It feels like a lifetime ago we were in High Cross and celebrating in a very modern Cornish way the values and expressions which lie at the heart of Cornish life, and which spur deep feelings about Cornwall in so many people all over the World.

"St Piran's Day 2021 is a very different sort of event - an on-line experience, but no less profound and renewing for that. I always associate St Piran's Day with daffodils, birdsong, renewing old friendships, hoping desperately for dry weather, and singing, spouting and silently reflecting about all those fine values which St Piran represents.

"Thanks to those creative, communicative, and organisational people who have come together to make things, to think stuff, and to help launch St Piran's moment of renewal and goodness. Thanks to our funders, not least Truro City Council. We all hope you enjoy the ideas for celebrating St Piran's Day safely at home - and for sharing".

Mayor of Truro, Bert Biscoe

This year the Mayor is sending greetings on St Piran's Day to as many Truro's as we can find on the map, and to our twinned towns of Boppard and Morlaix. Goel Sen Pyran. Truro bys vykkien. Lowenad dhys.

The team have also put together activity packs inspired by St. Piran's Day. You could create an animal mask for the virtual tea party on 5th March, colour in a picture to display in your window or learn some Cornish phrases and interesting facts.

To get your activity sheet go to the Visit Truro website, the Truro St Piran's Day Facebook page or they are available for collection in person from Truro Community Library.