Newquay Tretherras to close for two weeks over half term for deep clean

Two positive cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed at the school

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 9th Oct 2020
Last updated 9th Oct 2020

A secondary school in Newquay says it has had a new confirmed case of coronavirus within the school.

Bosses at Tretherras say they are monitoring the situation closely and working with Public Health England.

Letters have been sent to the parents of a small number of students in Years 10 and 11, who have been in close contact with the confirmed case.

They are now required to self-isolate for 14 days but the school remains open for everybody else.

A positive case was previously confirmed in the school's sixth form, but the two cases are not linked.

Part of the letter, from Wednesday 7th October, reads:

"We know that you may find this concerning but we are continuing to monitor the situation and are closely working with Public Health England. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.

"Parents and carers of the small number of students in Years 10 and 11, who have been in close contact with the confirmed case, have received an individual letter and will be staying at home for 14 days; a text message has also been sent to them.

"The school remains fully open and your child should continue to attend if they remain well."

Mrs S Fairbairn, Executive Headteacher

Cornwall Council says they are working together with Public Health England to support staff, parents and the children at Newquay Tretherras.

A group of 73 year 10 and 11 students have been told to isolate, along with 1 member of staff, in line with the latest government guidance. Cornwall Council’s public health team will continue to work closely with the school to ensure appropriate action is taken.

“Newquay Tretherras have acted quickly in response to the confirmed case and we are working with them to provide advice and guidance in line with our Local Outbreak Management Plan.”

Rachel Wigglesworth, Interim Director of Public Health for Cornwall Council

Last week, Tretherras announced that it will be closing for two weeks over half term, so a deep clean can be carried out.

In a letter to parents, the headteacher said that "staff and student attendance levels have continued to fall and anxiety levels are high."

The last day of school will be Friday 16th October and it will reopen again on Monday 2nd November.

The school says the two-week closure will allow them to deep clean in preparation for the winter months.

Part of the letter reads:

"The COVID-19 virus is an inescapable reality for us and we will do our utmost to relieve the associated pressures it brings. In order to ensure that keeping Tretherras fully open is sustainable in the long-term and to support everyone's positive mental health and physical well-being, we will be joining other Cornwall Education Learning Trust schools in having a two-week half term this autumn. This will also bring us in line with Newquay Junior Academy. In terms of health and safety, a two-week full closure will enable us to deep clean the school in preparation for the winter months."

It continues: "I am fully aware that our children have missed months of full-time education already and that you will, of course, have your individual views about a two-week half term. However, I believe that this decision is in the best interests of our whole school community at this moment in time and I ask for your continued support."

Mrs S Fairbairn, Executive Headteacher

The Cornwall Education Learning Trust said:

"Cornwall Education Learning Trust is the result of a merger between Peninsula Learning Trust (PLT) and Newquay Education Trust and took place 1st November 2019.

"Since 2018 it has been common practice that schools within PLT were able to take a two week break at half term, as long as they delivered the required 195 days of education for the pupils. This proved to be popular with parents who had worked throughout the holiday season and offered an opportunity, pre Covid 19, for an extended family holiday. The majority of schools within CELT informed parents that this would be the case in 2020, and many have already alerted parents to the same in 2021.

"Newquay Junior Academy made the decision to fall in line with the majority of CELT schools and parents were informed 12th June 2020.

"So far Newquay Tretherras have recorded two positive Covid cases. The school leadership, supported by CELT, made the decision to implement the extended October break for a number of reasons:

• Deep cleaning a site the size of Newquay Tretherras is not comparable to doing the same in a primary school.

• 14 days of closure would enable all staff and pupils currently self-isolating to clear the isolation period and the whole school community would be ready to return to school 2nd November, ensuring that pupils would not be sent home due to a lack of staff.

• This would provide a more equitable solution for the pupils already forced to isolate.

• Newquay Tretherras was issued with 10 Covid tests in September, the same number as issued to a school containing 50 pupils.

"The staff at Newquay Tretherras, as in all CELT schools, have worked tirelessly throughout lock down to do the very best for their pupils, with many examples of staff going above and beyond what could reasonably be expected of them.

"Since returning to school in September staff at NT have been delighted to be back with the pupils, delivering excellent teaching, planning and implementing catch-up strategies. Therefore, we are very disappointed that a small minority of parents have chosen to publicly criticise a decision to support our hard-working staff. We have a duty of care for all our staff and pupils and firmly believe that the two-week break will enable Newquay Tretherras to reopen with everyone in place ready for a big push up to Christmas."

Cornwall Education Learning Trust