Newquay to London flight route WILL return with Eastern Airways

The Public Service Obligation from Cornwall to the capital is being reintroduced

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 16th Nov 2021

It has been confirmed that year-round flights between Cornwall and London will be starting up again.

Cornwall Airport Newquay has revealed the route will be operated by Eastern Airways but we don't know which London airport it will travel to yet.

It is understood the contract will offer a year-round, multi-day service to the capital for the next four years.

The announcement of the Public Service Obligation (PSO) agreement comes following concerns after the British Airways and easyJet seasonal summer flights ended.

The agreement used to be operated by FlyBe, until the airline ceased operations in 2020 and was subsequently sold.

Cornwall Council has since been going through the stages of a tender process to award another PSO contract to a new airline.

Eastern Airways will be taking over and an official announcement about the schedule is expected next week.

Cornwall Airport Newquay said: "We can confirm that the decision was taken on the reintroduction of the PSO route between Newquay and London last week and we are now working with Cornwall Council, the Department for Transport and Eastern Airways (as the selected airline) on the final details and expect to make an official announcement regarding the schedule and sale of seats next week."

Cornwall Council added: "Following the decision taken on the reintroduction of the PSO between Newquay and London last week, the Council is working with the Department for Transport, Eastern Airways and the airports on the final details and expect to make an official announcement regarding the schedule and sale of seats next week."

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