New Covid marshals will make sure students follow restrictions in Falmouth

They will wear bodycams and patrol the town centre and beaches

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 15th Oct 2020

Falmouth is getting new Covid marshals to help make sure university students follow coronavirus restrictions.

In response to the pandemic, Falmouth University and the University of Exeter say they are acting to help control the spread of coronavirus, provide a good experience for their students and support the local community.

As well as on-campus changes to spaces, new hygiene measures and strict guidance on behaviours, the two universities have also funded two Covid-marshals in the community.

The marshals will be a visible presence in key streets and on the beaches between 4pm and 4am, 7 days a week. They’ll also wear bodycams and work with the police and local authorities to help prevent any breaches of the law.

“On behalf of the Town Council and Falmouth BID I am pleased that the two universities are supporting these extra measures. It is very important that we are all working together effectively, ensuring everyone in the community, including students are following the guidelines.”

Richard Gates, Falmouth Town Manager

Aware of national concern about the importance of good Covid-behaviours, the universities have also made clear to their students that breaches of government guidelines will not be tolerated. They have introduced a framework of sanctions, ranging from cautions, to fines and, in the most serious cases, suspensions.

“The Universities worked extremely hard over the summer to engage with students on their arrival or return for the new academic year. Safety is always our top priority and we are confident that if any student put either themselves or their fellow community members at risk that we could and would respond robustly.

“If the conduct of a student falls below the standard we expect then we are applying a range of sanctions, including verbal warnings, cautions and fines and, where behaviour is deemed to be more serious, we will impose suspensions or expulsion.”

Mike Shore-Nye, Registrar and Secretary at the University of Exeter

“The health and welfare of our students, staff and wider community is our priority. We have invested in our own Rapid Response Hub and a partnership with a commercial testing partner, for fast testing and the efficient management of any suspected cases. The team is working closely with Public Health England, Cornwall Council and the national track and trace programme to ensure the swift and effective self-isolation in case of any positive cases, so we can contain any risk of spread.”

Peter Cox, Chief Operating Officer at Falmouth University

In line with government guidance, the universities say they continue to offer a mix of online and in-person lectures, seminars and tutorials as well as carefully managed access to campus facilities.