Friends start 24-hour gaming marathon in memory of young man lost at sea in Cornwall

24-year-old Tyler Westlake was swept to his death by a huge wave at St Agnes and, tragically, was never found

Friends of Tyler Westlake, who was swept to his death from rocks in Cornwall, have raised £3,500 for the RNLI
Author: Emma HartPublished 20th Feb 2021

A 24-hour gaming marathong is being staged in memory of a young man who died at sea in Cornwall

Tyler Westlake was fishing with a group of friends at St Agnes when a huge wave swept him out to sea.

80 rescuers spent more than 48 hours searching for the 24-year-old last November but, tragically, he was never found.

Now Tyler's friends, known as the T-boys, will play games for 24 hours to raise money for the RNLI.

They say they miss their mate and their early hours gaming sessions and this was a good way to give something back.

"On the 12th of November 2020, Tyler Westlake was swept into the Cornish sea by a wave whilst fishing with friends at St Agnes, Cornwall.

"We know not where he is or if we will ever get to say a proper goodbye to him but we do know that over 80 incredible rescue volunteers were out looking for Tyler for over 48 hours straight.

"Whilst the pain has been unbearable for us all knowing he still isn't home, we would like to thank the RNLI and HMCG for all there amazing efforts and hard work.

"We would also like to thank you local police for their efforts searching the caves with drones and the local volunteers".

T-boys Just Giving Page

Tyler Westlake, pictured with his school friend Connor, had always wanted to do a gaming live-stream for charity

The T-Boys, a name they made up shortly after losing Tyler are, Connor Freeman, Charlton Cunningham, Mike Banks, Jake Rostill, Carl Hill and Jasper Knight.

They describe Tyler, who was 24, as full of life. He loved the sea, whether it be in the sea surfing or fishing with friends. They will miss the late nights playing games and laughing till the early hours.

As Tyler had mentioned on multiple occasions that he wished to do a charity live stream to raise some money, they decided that while they never got to do one with him, they could do one for him and raise money for the lifesaving charity.

Conner Freeman who has known Tyler since secondary school says: " We will play games online for 24 hours straight, we’ll have some great times, some amazing laughs and at the same time honouring our friend in the best way we can".

Tyler Westlake's friends held a 24-hour gaming marathon to raise money for the RNLI, after he was swept to his death at St Agnes

Dickon Berriman, RNLI Area Lifesaving Manager says: "Tyler’s friends have shown such incredible resilience to organise such a positive and fun way to honour and remember their friend.

"The charity is extremely grateful that through their grief his friends have chosen to fundraise for the RNLI. It was a huge collective effort by all our volunteers and search and rescue colleagues who worked tirelessly and showed remarkable commitment during the search.

"Everyone at the RNLI is heartbroken not to have been able to bring Tyler home, he was obviously a very loved friend and he’ll be missed by everyone he touched.

"I hope they have lots of fun on Saturday and remember what it was that connected them to Tyler".

RNLI Area Lifesaving Manager, Dickon Berriman

The gaming marathon will begin at 8am today (Saturday 20th February).

It is being streamed on the group’s accounts @Khaotic_brutii @unspoken_bond and @TheFreemo, playing the popular deception game Among Us and Worms.

You can read more about the fundraiser and find out how to donate on the T-boys' Just Giving page.