Free parking in council car parks in Cornwall until the middle of May

Officials have extended the scheme to support the Duchy's high streets ahead of the easing of lockdown restrictions

Author: Emma HartPublished 8th Apr 2021

Car parks in Cornwall will remain free of charge until mid-May to support high streets as they get back to business.

The Council will keep its car parks free until May 17th 2021, to support high streets, ahead of the reopening of businesses like non-essential shops, hairdressers and outside hospitality on April 12th.

Cornwall Council suspended parking charges at the beginning of lockdown in January to limit the spread of coronavirus and help those working from home find a parking space.

Its plan is to resume charging on May 17th, in line with the Government's roadmap out of lockdown.

The Council will no longer recognise the Government-issued NHS Free Parking Pass within its car parks from May 17th.

This is due to the Council having implemented its own Healthcare parking permit scheme.

"More than 2,500 permits have already been issued to healthcare professionals working within our communities.

"These permits enable the holder to park safely on yellow lines, thereby maximising the amount of time spent delivering care to local residents within their homes".

Cornwall Council