Extra mental health support for Cornwall's school children after lockdown

Headstart Kernow has worked with students to produce advice for those feeling worried or anxious

Author: Emma HartPublished 15th Mar 2021

Children across Cornwall are being thrown a mental health lifeline to cope with going back to school after lockdown.

Extra support is being offered for those feeling worried or anxious, including adverts on bus stops.

Headstart Kernow has worked with students to produce advice, covering everything from taking a walk after class to chatting with friends.

"Many young people are going to be affected by the wider impacts of the coronavirus and we need to help them through this challenging time and the transition back into the classroom.

"One of the best tools is the '5 ways to wellbeing', these are: connect, be active, take notice, give and learn. Simple things like taking a walk after school, chatting with friends or being more aware of the birds singing can all help with your mental health".

Kate Pordage, Headstart Kernow

What are the 'Five Steps to Wellbeing'?


Be active

Take notice



Sally Hawkin, Portfolio Holder for Children, Wellbeing and Public Safety at Cornwall Council, is encouraging young people to reach out if they are struggling.

"Everyone is going to be approaching the return to school in a different way - some will be happy they get to see their friends, but others will be more anxious. The important thing is to support one another through this process and to remember; it's ok, to not be ok!"

Sally added: "As parents we can start to talk to our children and young people about the daily routine that they were once so familiar with and what they are looking forward to about going back. You could go through some of the changes they may expect at school and think about ways they can re-establish their connections with friends and teachers.

"Reassure children about the safety measures in place to keep them safe and remind them that they can also help prevent germs spreading by washing their hands with soap, coughing or sneezing into their elbow and giving everyone extra space".

Sally Hawkin, Cornwall Council

You can find all the advice, including more on the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing', here.