Firefighters rescue dog trapped down mine shaft near Redruth

Firefighters pulled Pip the Jack Russell to safety at Lanner

Author: Emma HartPublished 8th Feb 2022
Last updated 8th Feb 2022

This is the heart-warming moment a dog was rescued after falling down a mine shaft near Redruth.

Pip the Jack Russell terrier ended up trapped down the shaft at Lanner the weekend before last.

Firefighters from Tolvaddon and Bodmin rushed to the scene on Sunday 30th January.

Crews managed to free the pet using ropes and specialist rescue equipment.

Posting on Facebook, Tolvaddon Community Fire Station said: "Last Sunday, Pip, a Jack Russell terrier, was rescued from a mine shaft in Lanner.

"This successful operation involved great teamwork between Black Watch, Tolvaddon On Call and Orange Watch Bodmin".

Followers were quick to comment to praise the teams, including Mandy who said: "Well done everyone so scary when your dog is missing glad you got him out".

Paul posted: "Well done everyone involved and Pip looks like he is right pleased with your efforts too!"

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