Rise in Cornish hospital patients with coronavirus

15 people across the Duchy's hospital trusts are hospitalised with the virus - up from 10 people the week previous

Author: Daniel Clark, Local Democracy ReporterPublished 27th Nov 2020

The number of patients in hospital across Devon and Cornwall following a positive Covid-19 test has risen since last week – but only just.

NHS England figures show that as of Tuesday morning (November 24), there were 272 patients across Devon and Cornwall, in hospital after a positive Covid-19 test. This compares to 265 as of November 17.

But while the number of patients in the Royal Devon and Exeter, North Devon and Cornish hospitals has increased, Torbay Hospital has seen a decrease for the second week running, while Derriford Hospital has seen its number drop by more than 40 per cent.

The number of patients in hospital with coronavirus:

  • Royal Devon and Exeter = 128 (+12)
  • Derriford Hospital, Plymouth = 53 (-37)
  • Torbay Hospital = 35 (-4)
  • North Devon District Hospital = 29 (+11)
  • Royal Cornwall Hospital = 9 (+3)
  • Cornish Partnership Trust Hospitals = 6 (+2)
  • Livewell SouthWest facilities, Plymouth = 11 (+9)
  • Devon Partnership Trust = 1 (+1)

There were 16 patients in Mechanical Ventilation beds, down from 19, with one patient in Torbay Hospital, five at the RD&E and North Devon District Hospital, and ten at Derriford Hospital, with none in Cornwall.

The figures show the amount of patients in hospital following a positive COVID-19 test who are currently occupying a bed.

But not every patient would necessarily have been admitted to hospital due to COVID-19, with a number of patients either contracting the virus inside the hospital, or being admitted for unrelated reasons but subsequently testing positive asymptotically when given routine tests.

Health bosses had previously said that it would not be unlike the end of November when the impact of the second lockdown would begin to have an effect on hospitals in the region.

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