Tourism bosses reckon Cornwall will miss out on £80 million this Easter

Visit Cornwall says that is how much the two-week break is usually worth to our economy

Author: Emma HartPublished 6th Apr 2021
Last updated 6th Apr 2021

Whilst the roadmap out of lockdown remains on track, tourism bosses say Cornwall is set to miss out on £80 million over Easter.

That is how much the two-week break is usually worth to the our economy and this is the second year in a row Covid has hit the Duchy's hospitality industry during that time.

Self-catering holiday lets and pub gardens will be allowed to open for part of the school holidays.

However, pubs and restaurants cannot offer indoor meals until at least the middle of May: Read more.

Visit Cornwall admits that is better than opening sooner and risking a rise in infection rates.

"It's normally worth about £80 million so it's another big chunk of money gone; it's been two Easters in a row we would've lost.

"Yes, there will be some business from locals buying a takeaway coffee or a takeaway pasty but that doesn't replace the money we've lost on this one.

"Everybody in the industry is upset about losing Easter but everybody is committed to it's better to lose Easter and open properly afterwards in May and then have a strong year for the rest of the year than risk the infection rates going up and down and the start stop".

Malcolm Bell, Visit Cornwall

How can we stop the spread of coronavirus this Easter?

As the Easter holidays begin, parents are being urged to stick to the guidelines and stay local to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Although some children may want to see their classmates over the Easter break, young people should not be going to other people's homes for sleep overs or indoor play dates.

"Schools have developed COVID safety plans, which minimises the risks of transmission amongst young people, but we simply don't always apply them when we see friends outside of school.

"At this stage of the roadmap out of lockdown you can meet with up to six people in an outside space, but you should limit sharing of toys or using climbing frames etc. The rules also state that you should not mix with other people indoors, unless they are part of your support bubble.

"We all still need to practice social distancing, face masks where appropriate and ensuring good hand hygiene; three of our best tools in fighting this virus".

Public Health Consultant for Children at Cornwall Council, Brian O'Neill

What is the advice for families?

Teachers, parents and secondary aged children are being urged to continue coronavirus testing over the two-week break.

This helps to break the chains of transmission of coronavirus by identifying asymptomatic positive cases. Those who test positive then self-isolate in accordance with the 'Stay at Home' guidance, helping to reduce transmission of the virus.

Primary school age children and those in nurseries are not included in the rapid, regular asymptomatic testing and should NOT be tested unless they develop symptoms. Children under 11 years old should only be tested if they have symptoms of covid using the NHS test and trace system.

Brian O'Neill added: "The government has also confirmed access to free twice-weekly testing for all adults in households with early years, primary, secondary school and college aged children and young people, including childcare and support bubbles.

"We know in some parts of the country that parents have been using their own tests on their primary school aged children do a test; this is not recommended and should only be done if they have symptoms and carried out at one of the test centres.

"We have come so far in our battle against COVID-19 and there is light at the end of the tunnel; we need to continue following the guidance at each stage to ensure we keep going in the right direction".

Public Health Consultant for Children at Cornwall Council, Brian O'Neill

You can read the latest coronavirus guidelines here.