Cornwall deploys Covid marshals for half-term... and they will be out every day

The council is urging us to avoid busy beauty spots and reminding us to only make essential journeys

We're encouraged to keep up with measures to protect ourselves from Covid where possible
Author: Emma HartPublished 15th Feb 2021

Covid marshals are going to be operating seven days a week across Cornwall over half-term.

Cornwall Council is urging people to avoid beauty spots that could become crowded during the school holidays.

That includes parks, playgrounds and beaches were car parks could become busy, as well narrow coast paths.

We are being reminded that we should still stay at home and only make essential journeys.

It comes after after Amanda Holden travelled from London to Cornwall on Friday, following a distressing phone call from her dad.

What is the advice from Cornwall Council?

Cornwall Council have shared a series of advice videos on their social media feeds, including this one from Imogen.

The nine-year-old from Hayle says she would usually be visiting her family in Wales.

Her advice is if you do go out, remember to keep your distance, wear a face covering and wash your hands regularly!

Posting on Twitter, Cornwall Council said: "The February half-term is going to be different this year.

"We won't be able to go away. We won't be going for big family days out.

"But that doesn't mean you can't still have fun".

Cornwall Council

Dr Whitney Curry and her daughter Ayla tell us what they will be up to during half-term in lockdown...

The Council added: "We know it's hard not seeing friends and family over half-term, but Covid-19 remains a risk to all of us.

"We can't be complacent.

"As Dr Ruth Goldstein says, only leave your home for limited reasons, like shopping or local exercise".

Cornwall Council

All the latest advice and guidance on coronavirus restrictions can be found on the council's website.