Concerns over possible lack of scrutiny for Cornwall Investment Zones

Councillors are worried a "small window" for bids will leave them little or no say

Author: Local Democracy Reporter Richard WhitehousePublished 8th Oct 2022
Last updated 8th Oct 2022

Concerns have been raised that councillors will have little or no say about which parts of Cornwall could be made Investment Zones which could strip away planning regulations and provide tax breaks for developers and businesses.

The government announced plans for around 40 Investment Zones across England which could relax planning rules and charges.

Cornwall Council has said that it is considering submitting a bid to have Investment Zones with locations including Falmouth Docks and Langarth Garden Village being proposed as having the new designation.

However, expressions of interest have to be made by the end of next week, leaving no time for councillors to have their say.

At a meeting of the council's economic growth and development overview and scrutiny committee this week Phil Mason, strategic director for sustainable growth and development, said that the government had given councils a "very limited window" to submit bids.

Tamsyn Widdon, Green councillor for Penryn, said she was "very concerned" that there would be no scrutiny of the council's bid for Investment Zones, whilst Independent councillor Tim Dwelly raised questions about the geographic areas of the zones and requested that if Falmouth Docks is submitted then it should not include Pendennis Headland.

Stephen Rushworth, former Cabinet member for the economy, said that the council "mustn't rush in with the areas we pick" as the council had to be sure they were right. He highlighted issues with making Cornwall Airport Newquay an enterprise zone and the limited success in attracting businesses to the area.

He said: "We should learn from the mistakes made with the Enterprise Zone at Newquay Airport that is still not taking up 50% of the land".

Investment Zones could 'strip away protections'

Whilst the Chancellor and Prime Minister have hailed Investment Zones saying that they will provide a welcome boost for the economy, there are concerns that they could strip away protections for land as well as removing the need to provide affordable housing on developments.

Under the plans for Investment Zones the Government has indicated that planning rules would be relaxed meaning that in some cases planning permission would not be required and, if it is, it would be "radically streamlined" with reduced consultation; national and local policy requirements relaxed; and developer contributions focused on infrastructure.

There could also be significant tax benefits for developments in Investment Zones with the possibility of 100% business rates relief and stamp duty relief.

However, whilst all these benefits have been listed by the Government in its guidance on Investment Zones, they are all said to be "under consideration" with no clear statement on what Investment Zones will offer.

Jayne Kirkham, Cornwall councillor for Falmouth Penwerris (Labour), has written to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up asking that the concerns of local people about the Investment Zones are taken into consideration.

In her initial response to the Chancellor's mini budget, which announced the Investment Zones, Cllr Kirkham said: "The 'Investment Areas' sound like low tax, low regulation places where normal planning rules won’t apply. Conservative Cornwall Council are talking about three in Cornwall – around Newquay airport, Falmouth docks and Langarth. Does that mean unregulated house building and business parks? If so, that's not investment. It's sucking the profit out of our places".

Cllr Kirkham, who is also Labour Parliamentary candidate for Truro and Falmouth, said in her letter to the Secretary of State: "I welcome plans that will support investment and growth in these areas. However, there is no clarity yet about how far the 'Investment Zones' will extend and what the deregulation in regards to tax and particularly planning will mean for the areas selected.

"The initial publication talks about 'liberalised planning rules to release more land for housing and commercial development'. I am writing to express the concerns of residents in Truro and Falmouth and to ask for reassurance that these will be taken into account".

And she added: "If our Neighbourhood Development and Local Plans are swept away in both zones, it would enable developers to take advantage of building lucrative property in an expensive area and we would be denied all the social and affordable housing we are trying to provide to house families and keyworkers".

The proposals for Investment Zones have been welcomed by Conservative politicians in Cornwall with Cornwall Council leader Linda Taylor saying: "This is a real show of faith in Cornwall and welcome news for our residents and our business community. The Investment Zones will help to increase growth, create better jobs and increased opportunities for new and existing businesses.

"Clearly the process is in its early stages, but I look forward to discussions with government about how we can further unlock Cornwall's potential".

And Cherilyn Mackrory, Conservative MP for Truro and Falmouth, said: "I am delighted the Government has identified Falmouth Docks and Langarth Garden Village to be among the first locations that could benefit from this new initiative to boost business investment and release land for new homes in our local communities.

"Falmouth Docks plays a vital role in our local economy and is home to a thriving maritime sector with businesses developing our offshore wind ambitions. Establishing an investment zone here would make it easier for its business to invest, grow and create well paid, high-skilled jobs for local people.

"I am pleased the Government is discussing these proposals with Cornwall Council and look forward to supporting these plans that will drive jobs and growth across Cornwall".

What happens now?

Whilst those statements of support are welcoming Investment Zones there are many uncertainties about the scheme, which is causing concern for others, particularly in relation to what it will mean if planning regulations are relaxed or ignored.

There will be fears that Investment Zones could give developers carte blanche in key areas of Cornwall with local residents having little or no say in what happens.

Cornwall Council will have to put forward the areas it would like to see considered for Investment Zones by Friday (October 14th) and the government has indicated that it will make a decision on successful bids within weeks in a bid to accelerate the programme.

Read More:

Airport, dock and garden village to benefit if Cornwall becomes 'Investment Zone'

Cornwall in talks to become one of government's 'Investment Zones'

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