Calls for a Gigafactory to be built in Cornwall to help boost jobs and economy

It comes as a big cash boost is awarded to Cornwall's lithium drilling industry

British Lithium’s latest round of drilling is taking place in the St Austell area
Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 17th Mar 2021

A Cornish MP is calling for a Gigafactory to be built in Cornwall, to help secure hundreds of well paid jobs for the future.

The site would manufacture batteries and Steve Double says it would bring a big economic boost for the Duchy.

The MP, who represents St Austell and Newquay, raised the idea with Boris Johnson during Prime Minister's Questions.

He says he is going to use the opportunity of the G7 Summit to help make the Gigafactory a reality.

Speaking in Parliament, Steve said:

“Can I thank the Prime Minister for bringing the G7 Leader’s Summit to Cornwall this summer.

“This will put Cornwall front and centre of the world stage just as we are emerging from this pandemic and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to showcase all that Cornwall has to offer.

“Not just as an amazing place to visit and our world class food and drink sector, but also the industries of the future – space and renewable energy.

“I know he is as keen as I am that the G7 will leave a lasting economic legacy for the people of Cornwall.

“With that it in mind, and with the progress being made in lithium extraction, would he work with me in securing a Gigafactory in Cornwall that would provide that lasting legacy of the well-paid jobs of the future Cornwall needs.”

Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay

Speaking after the debate, Steve said:

“There is no doubt that a Gigafactory for manufacturing batteries would be a huge economic boost for Cornwall, bringing inward investment and creating hundreds of well paid jobs for the future. I met earlier this week with Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to discuss the potential for this.

“With the good progress being made in developing lithium extraction here in Cornwall, I believe there is a strong case to be made for having a Gigafactory in Cornwall.

“It was good to raise this with the Prime Minister at PMQs today. Although I understand he cannot promise a Gigafactory from the dispatch box at this early stage, I am pleased he has agreed to work with me to explore the potential of having a Gigafactory in Cornwall.

“There is clearly still a great deal of work to be done to make this happen, but I am ambitious for this to happen in Cornwall and I will now be making it a priority to use the opportunity of the G7 Leaders Summit to make progress towards making this a reality.”

Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay

It comes as St Austell-based Research by British Lithium Limited has been awarded over £2.9 by the Government’s Sustainable Innovation Fund.

The funding will allow British Lithium to progress its plans for a pilot plant to prove the sustainability and commercial benefits of its innovative Li-Sep technology for extracting battery-grade lithium from micaceous granite.

The pilot plant will also produce samples for customer acceptance, tailored to individual customer requirements. Once proven, the company hopes to move on to full-scale production of an annual 21,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate in 3 to 5 years’ time.

“We are delighted to have won government recognition of our important work in Cornwall and the significant contribution we’ll be making to “building back better” and achieving zero carbon emissions. We are excited by the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday of the Government’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy and note that priority actions include domestic extraction of lithium, as well as its recovery and re-use, and the acknowledgement that funding for our lithium pilot plant is part of that commitment.”

“Our growing team of experts have spent the last three years on intensive research and development and have built our own state-of-the-art laboratory to further develop our technology.

“The results achieved so far have exceeded all expectations and we are now looking forward to expanding our operation to showcase what is possible – not just locally and nationally, but globally too.

“We’re very grateful for the help and support of Innovate UK.”

British Lithium CEO, Andrew Smith

British Lithium will be presenting its project to delegates at COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Glasgow this November.

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