Over 100,000 people in Cornwall have now tested positive for coronavirus

That is around one in five of the population

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 26th Jan 2022

Over 100,000 people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly have tested positive for coronavirus since the pandemic began.

That is around one in five of the population and we are being urged to remain cautious as the milestone is passed.

Latest figures also show that more than 740 people have sadly died with coronavirus recorded on their death certificate here too.

Public health officials say the milestone is a sobering reminder of why it remains crucial that residents and visitors continue to take precautions and get jabbed to protect themselves and those around them.

It comes as Plan B restrictions are lifted on Thursday (January 27th) relying on us all to take precautions to ensure the virus doesn’t spread uncontrollably.

The lifting of restrictions means:

• You will not be required to wear a face covering, including in communal areas of schools, but the government suggests you continue to wear one in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

• You’ll no longer need to show your NHS COVID Pass at venues and events by law.

• You are no longer asked to work from home if you can.

Rachel Wigglesworth, Director of Public Health for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said:

“It’s good to see our daily lives return to some kind of normality, but it is vital that we don’t just abandon all the important measures, habits and routines that have helped us keep Covid at bay and save lives here in Cornwall.

“Passing the 100,000-case mark should serve as a stark reminder of how easily this virus can spread, and we should remember the severe impact it has had and continues to have on our residents, families and communities.

“So please remember, ‘just because you can, doesn’t mean you should’ and try to remain cautious and vigilant.”

Cllr Dr Andy Virr, Portfolio Holder for Adults and Public Health and an Emergency Department consultant at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, said:

“As Rachel says, just because you can stop wearing masks in shops and busy areas doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Enjoy your freedom but use common sense when venturing out and please show respect to those around you.

“We can’t afford to forget about Covid now. It certainly won’t forget about us, so get jabbed and boosted and keep taking those sensible precautions that have served us so well up to now.”

The key messages from the Council’s Public Health team in the fight against Covid are:

• Get jabbed and boosted. The vaccine is the best way to ensure as many people as possible avoid serious illness if they catch Covid. It also helps prevent the spread of the virus. You can still get your first or second dose as well as your booster – it's never too late! Book your jab on the NHS website or find out where the walk-in centres are on the NHS Kernow website.

• Test, test and test again. Make sure you test with Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) before socialising or going to busy places. Order them on the Gov.uk website or get a Pharmacy Collect Code to pick them up from your local pharmacy. If you have Covid or winter illness symptoms then book a PCR test.

• Self-isolate when required. If you have a positive PCR or LFT then you will need to self-isolate for 10 days. However, you can cut this to 5 full days if you have no temperature or other Covid symptoms and record negative LFT results on days 5 and 6.

• If you have no symptoms and record a positive LFT result, you now don’t need to book a confirmatory PCR test. Just start your isolation immediately. Everyone is asked to report the results of their LFT tests on the government website.

• Wear a mask or face covering in busy indoor public places such as shops and supermarkets and on public transport. It protects both yourself and those around you.

• Maintain good hand hygiene. Keep washing your hands and using sanitiser to kill Covid and help stop it spreading.

• Ensure good ventilation. Fresh air keeps the virus from lingering so open windows when indoors and try to meet people outside if possible.

• Social distancing. Try to keep your distance from other people where at all possible to limit the chance of Covid spreading from person to person.

For more information visit the Gov.uk Coronavirus webpages and the Cornwall Council Coronavirus information webpages.

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