West Yorkshire, Harrogate, York and The Yorkshire Dales - Spring Grant Round 2021

Author: Lauren ScarthPublished 7th Apr 2021
Last updated 8th Apr 2021

Cash for Kids and their Local Executive Board granted over £26,000, supporting over 9,900 local children in their Spring Grant Round 2021.

Penny Field School NWSILC - £885 – 420 children

Penny Field are a small school that cater for some of the most complex children in Leeds. Their pupils have profound, and multiple learning and physical needs – many have shortened life expectancies. The schools’ budget is used for staff, training and classroom resources and leaves little to allow for fun items for their playground. Having new and exciting play items will really benefit the children, and allow them to play outdoors together as the weather turns nicer.

Cash for Kids have agreed funding for a large outdoor role-play shop/reading den, and an outdoor painting window.

*Girl Aged 8 – £740

Girl suffers from a rare genetic disorder. She has very complex needs, is non-verbal and uses a wheelchair. Cash for Kids were contacted by the families’ Health Visitor, as she recognised that Girl would benefit immensely from having some sensory toys and equipment. It will allow her to lay on the floor safely and use the items to develop muscles and fine motor skills.

Cash for Kids agreed to grant £740 towards a sensory bubble tube, floor mats, sensory blanket, mirrors and more.

*Girl Aged 11 - £390

Girl has bilateral moderate-severe hearing loss caused by damaged ear drums. She has had hearing loss since the age of 10 months and wears a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha), which allows her to hear sound via a sound processor. Whilst she can hear through her Baha, girl would benefit from a Wireless TV Streamer, which allows sound from the TV to be sent to her Baha and deliver crisp, clean and clear sound directly from the TV. She would also benefit from a Cochlear Wireless Phone Clip. She is at an age where having a phone will be a normal part of life, and at present she is unable to answer a phone by putting it to her ear. The Cochlear Clip will allow a phone call to be streamed direct to her Baha.

Cash for Kids agreed to purchase these two items, as they could identify the positive impact it will have on her day-to-day life.

Barca Leeds - £182 – 150 children

The Youth Inclusion Project (YIP) is a youth crime prevention initiative that works with children aged 8-13 years old that are at risk of offending, anti-social behaviour (including gang-related activity) and school exclusion. They work in key areas of Leeds that have high levels of deprivation and crime rates. The young people are referred through the Police, Schools, Children Social Care Service and other agencies. They support children through providing one to one support and group work activities that builds their self-esteem, raises their aspirations, develops new skills and ultimately, help them to find alternative choices to offending.

Cash for Kids agreed to provide funding for arts & craft materials, sports equipment and some emotional-behavioural discussion cards. These items will allow their support groups to continue and allow the young people a safe place to learn and stay out of trouble.

Clapgate Community Fund - £875 – 430 children

Clapgate Community Fund aim to improve facilities for children and families in their local area. Their population of children and families come from 10% most deprived in Leeds, with many families using food banks regularly. As a group they are desperate to improve the life chances of local children, and want to provide items that families can ‘rent’ and take home. These items will predominantly encourage health and fitness.

Cash for Kids agreed to purchase numerous items; including skateboards and scooters to the value of £775. These items will form the collection of equipment that families can rent and take away to use.

Friends of the YMCA Hawkswort Wood - £480 – 2,500 children

The Friends of YMCA in Hawksworth Wood community group was set up 11 years ago. The Friends of YMCA group were at the heart of starting two of the YMCA’s most popular activity sessions for young people, Parkour and roller blading. Almost 90% of their service users live on the estate. When outlining the work they do with the local community, deprivation is a major part of this process. As the only activity centre in this Leeds ward YMCA are ideally suited to support some of the most at risk people in the city.

They approached Cash for Kids for funding to support their Parkour sessions and buy equipment. The sessions will help to overcome economic barriers children face by having a fun and unconventional way to exercise on their doorstep. But also by challenging the young people it gives them a safe and positive way to exert energy.

Cash for Kids are purchasing agility tables, poles and ladders.

Kirkwood Hospice - £1,575 – 50 children

The hospice make sure that families in their care have the opportunity to live the best quality of life possible and are able to make the most of the time they have left. When a child is faced with bereavement, adults caring for them may need support or guidance to help and reassure their child. Kirkwood Hospice provide information and reading materials, including books, that provide a range of ideas and practical suggestions for parents and carers so that they feel able to involve their children in what is happening and to support them through bereavement. Families are encouraged to make memory boxes, which contain items that will remind the child of the dying adult and the times they shared together.

Cash for Kids have provided funding of £1,575 towards the books and memory boxes that the hospice provide for their families.

Door 84 Youth & Community Centre - £1,200 – 120 children

Door 84 is a Youth & Community Centre, based in one of the most diverse areas in York. They provide activities, emotional and social support primarily for young people aged 8-17 in the case of SEND. They additionally provide food poverty support for vulnerable families as a whole and adults with disabilities.

They approached Cash for Kids for funding to help support their cookery sessions for young people. These sessions help promote healthy eating, and give the young people these key life-skills.

Cash for Kids agreed to provide the funding to support 1 session per month, for 12 months.

*Girl Aged 14 - £1,700

Girl was born with a rare mitochondrial disorder (MPV17). When mitochondria fail due to a disorder, less and less energy is generated by the body affecting the function of different parts of the body. By age 7, Girl’s parents realised the mitochondria failure was beginning to affect the brain, muscles and nerves leading to a developmental disorder, and speech and mobility issues and she stopped walking. Her condition has had a particularly negative impact on her ability to walk so she now crawls, as it is difficult to use a wheelchair in the home.

The Sullivan’s Heroes charity are supporting the family and trying to raise funds for a home adaptation, which will see a bedroom and wet room built downstairs in the family home.

Cash for Kids have agreed to put £1,700 funding towards this project, specifically for an external door with specialist wheelchair ramp.

Action for Children North Yorkshire Young Carers - £1,500 – 60 children

At Action for Children their ambition is that every child and young person has a safe and happy childhood and the foundations they need to thrive. They protect and support children, provide practical and emotional care, ensure their voices are heard, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives. Their Young Carers service in Yorkshire provides essential support for young people in a caring role.

Cash for Kids agreed funding towards trips and activities for these young carers. These include; bowling, theme park visit, trampolining, wildlife park visits and much more.

*Boy Aged 15 - £160

Boy has been diagnosed with ASC and ADHD. He has significantly delayed communication but can use some basic speech to make some of needs known. He needs the speech from others to be kept to a minimum and to be given time to process a request. He needs a routine and plenty of preparation for change.

Cash for Kids received a request from his family for an indoor exercise bike. His family have found that stress and anxiety is reduced for Boy through physical activity. Having an indoor bike will ensure his safety, but allow him that life-line to an activity to help calm him when needed.

Child Health Clinic - £2,050 – 5,000 children

CHC are a child health based clinic; they see a variety of children aged from birth through to 18. The children have a wide range of illnesses, disabilities and abilities that need additional support. They also see children for child-protection medicals, who may have suffered physical and emotional abuse or have concerns around neglect. This is often their first contact with CDC and social care. Some of the children they see come from very deprived and challenging environments and sometimes do not have even the basics. Receiving a small gift from us really does make a difference.

The team requested funding from Cash for Kids to provide; toys, books and games. These would be used as distraction mechanisms, but will allow that child to take that item away if they wish. In some instances, this item may be their only possession. Cash for Kids approved £2,050.

Leeds Mencap - £1,500 – 150 children

Leeds Mencap is an independent charity who have been proudly supporting children and young people in Leeds with learning disabilities since 1953. They create opportunities for these children and their families to rightfully be included within their communities and achieve their aspirations. They approached Cash for Kids for funding towards setting up a new lending library for families who have a young child with a learning disability. The library would be part of Leeds Mencap’s Early Years support offer and families would be able to borrow the equipment. Items within the lending library would include; toys and items aimed at sensory-needs, building blocks and toys to help with concentrated and fine motor skills and much more!

Cash for Kids agreed £1,500 towards this worthwhile project.

The Snappy Trust - £2,236 – 230 children

Snappy is a registered Charity working with children and young people with wide ranging disabilities. They operate schemes and programmes in all school holidays, weekends, and some evenings. In addition, Snappy also offer an outreach programme to families who might struggle during term time. This could involve taking a child or young person out for a day, babysitting whilst parents go out, or just being there to support. They have operated throughout the pandemic, and want to be able to continue their programmes.

They applied to Cash for Kids, for funding to support their arts & crafts workshops, drama and cycle. Cash for Kids have allocated £2,236 towards these specific programmes in 2021.

Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice - £1,500 – 300 children

Each year at Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice in Leeds, they provide care for over 1500 terminally ill people, as well as their family and loved ones. Their commitment to the families goes beyond clinical care. Through the Family Support team they provide a stable presence during a volatile time, which includes specialist bereavement support for the families of patients. The Family Support Team would really value having a healthy supply of resources to provide families with what they need to help them through the end of life journey, specifically resources to support children.

Cash for Kids have agreed to fund £1,500 of items which includes; specialist educational books on bereavement, art & craft supplies and toys like jigsaws and lego.

Wakefield Outward Bound Association - £1,000 – 5 children

WOBA support young disadvantaged people to allow them to attend one week residential courses. They take place in the natural environment, away from distractions or modern amenities. The inspirational and motivational programs help the young people to develop skills to support further education and beyond into employment. WOBA look for people who need a helping hand to overcome obstacles that are restricting their prospects, and help with social mobility and would not otherwise have a similar opportunity. They approached Cash for Kids for funding to allow 5 young people to attend a week’s outward bound course.

Bradford PHAB Club - £1,000 – 40 children

PHAB support local children with additional needs. They want to run dedicated programmes over the next 12 months to celebrate diversity and engage the less-able youngsters. They do not get the opportunity to participate in normal sports activities due to a lack of opportunity and funding, or being able to access such sports. Participation in sports provides an opportunity for young people with disabilities to have a decreased awareness of their disability, and facilitates an increase in exploring further ways to increase positive identity.

PHAB approached Cash for Kids for funding towards the equipment to run these programmes. Cash for Kids agreed £1,000 towards arts & craft materials and sports equipment.

*Boy Aged 7 - £425

Boy has a complex heart disease, and as a result of this he has a trachestomy, pacemaker, he is tube-fed directly into his bowel and he has to be specially ventilated at night on a life-support machine. He has recently had heart surgery and this has meant he is now wheelchair bound.

His grandmother contacted Cash for Kids, requesting support towards a day bed. His grandmother wants to be able to allow his mother some respite, and have him sleep over at her house. They specifcially required a day-bed to allow his grandmother to sleep alongside him during the night, and it also be sufficient to allow his ventilation equipment to be wheeled-up to the side of the bed.

Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice - £3,000 – 106 children

Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice works with families of children with life-limiting conditions from diagnosis, through bereavement and to a life beyond loss. After the last year, the hospice are looking to fund activities for the patients and their siblings. These include Wetwheels which is an activity allowing children in wheelchairs to access to beach and the sea. These can take place in the Summer holidays.

Cash for Kids have agreed £3,000 funding towards these activities in the Summer of 2021.

Supporters of Crawshaw Academy SOCA - £1,000 – 60 children

Supporters of Crawshaw Academy (SOCA) is a parent teacher association. Their primary aim is to raise additional funds to provide pupils with resources which are not covered by government funding. The funds primarily pay for well-being resources or activities. This is increasingly catering for the needs of a growing numbers of extremely vulnerable pupils living in complex deprivation. There is a growing number of pupils in school who are living in circumstances which mean their families are unable to supply some of the basic resources. SOCA aim to ensure that pupils can freely approach their ‘crisis boxes’ and take much needed items in confidence and for free.

Cash for Kids have agreed funding of £1,000 towards items such as; underwear, toiletries, shoes and more.

Bridge Street Community Church - £837 – 325 children

Bridge Street are an after school club and summer play scheme that operates from Bridge Community Church. Most of the children that they cater for are from the Lincoln Green area - an area that is listed as one of the most socially deprived in Leeds. They aim to offer a wide range of activities to the children as they are aware that many of the families that they work with have limited opportunities to access positive extra-curricular activities outside of school hours. One of their most popular activities is gymnastics, and they are in-need of new equipment.

Cash for Kids agreed funding of £837 to purchase new gymnastic matts and storage trolleys.

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