Cambridgeshire drivers needing tyre help urged to act now in safety plea
Between June 2021-22, there were more than 13,000 road casualties in the East
Drivers in Cambridgeshire who need to replace their tyres are being urged to act now and not put a price on safety.
As budgets continue to be squeezed - following government data from between June 2021 and 2022 - showing there were over 13,000 road casualties in the East.
"That might be just checking the tyres and their pressure-levels"
Stuart Lovatt is chair of TyreSafe - he told us why these figures are so high:
"It's because of the sheer number of tyres out there on the road, that need attention; that might be just checking the tyres and their pressure-levels.
"But also, some of these tyres might have actual damage that needs more serious work".
"You need to be going out there at least once a month"
Jason Simms is from Tyre-Safe:
"If you do need to replace your tyres, be aware that there are a lot of retailers who are offering zero percent finance on standard payments- so you can spread the cost more affordably."
"We do have tyre-pressure monitoring systems in cars, but that's only about the air pressure the tread and condition is equally as important.
"You need to be going out there at least once a month and checking those tyres are in good roadworthy condition."
What are the Government doing to help?
The Department of Transport say they've banned the fitting of tyres over 10-years-old to the front of heavy vehicles, to improve safety.
You can read more here.