New Cambridge sewage works could 'destroy' the countryside

There've been hundreds of objections to the plans

Illustrative image of proposed new Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Works
Author: Hannah BrownPublished 1st Aug 2023

Building a new Cambridge sewage works could “destroy” the countryside and would be a “colossal waste of money”, people have said as hundreds of objections to the plans are lodged.

Around 270 people and groups have raised objections and concerns to the planning inspectorate over the application to relocate the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Anglian Water has submitted a Development Consent Order (DCO) application to build the new sewage works on land known as Honey Hill, north of the A14 between Fen Ditton and Horningsea.

The new facility is proposed to replace the existing plant in the north of Cambridge, in order to free up the land for the North East Cambridge development, which could see over 8,000 new homes and around 15,000 jobs created.

Anglian Water has also said that the new site would be “operationally net zero carbon”, and would “provide a long-term solution” to meeting the demands of the growing population in the area.

In March 2019, £277million of funding was allocated to Anglian Water and Cambridge City Council from the government to fund the project.

The government also recently announced hopes to see the project ‘accelerated’ as part of its new housing plans for the city.

The planning inspectorate will be the body to make a decision on whether the new sewage works can be built.

As part of the DCO process companies, authorities, community groups and members of the public have been able to send in their views of the plans.

The 310 initial comments have now been published with around 270 objections, and only a handful of comments in support.

Andrew Martin said he was “horrified” to hear about the plans to move the sewage works, and said people needed to “think twice” about the plans to “pour concrete on a green belt site”.

Maria Goodall said: “The green belt would be broken and blighted, a rare and fragile principal chalk aquifer – the source of local drinking water – would be severely threatened, and tons and tons of carbon would be released into the atmosphere during the climate crisis. In short this application is a disaster at a local, national, and global level.”

Barbara Sansom said: “We use the area of Honey Hill regularly to walk our dog and have long admired the wildlife that lives here. Their habitat will be destroyed and an area of protected green belt will be lost forever ruining the landscape for generations to come.”

William Wykeham said the existing sewage works should be upgraded instead of a new facility being built.

Rachel King raised concerns about the new sewage works causing an increase in traffic in the area.

She said: “The relocation of the sewage works will be detrimental to my family’s health. The increase in HGV traffic will make it unsafe to commute by bike to school and work as we currently do.

“The increase in noise, pollution and odour is also a concern. I moved to Horningsea to be in the country, this development will mean it is no longer a rural village.”

John McGill said he was worried about the height and size of the new plant ‘ruining the landscape’.

James Murray-White called for the plans to be ‘thrown out’. He said: “This proposal is ludicrous. It is unnecessary to relocate a sewage processing and wastewater plant simply to create more space to build more houses.

“What needs to be tackled is over-development and damage to the natural resources of this city. I grew up in Cambridge and am proud to be from here, but I am appalled on a daily basis how dominant development has become. The proposal is a colossal waste of money.”

The MP for South East Cambridgeshire, Lucy Frazer, also sent in a statement saying the facility would be a “large industrial structure located in the heart of rural England”.

She said she had advocated for measures to reduce the impact of the development, including “better natural screening”.

However, there were supporters who said they agreed with the current proposals.

Christopher Howell said he supported moving the plant in order to allow homes to be built on the existing site.

He said: “There is a desperate shortage of housing across our region, and particularly in and around Cambridge.

“This project is an essential prerequisite to allow the development of the North East Cambridge action plan area, and the delivery of over 8,000 new homes on brownfield land close to jobs and existing public transport links.”

Mr Howell said he also welcomed the “chance to improve the environmental performance of sewage treatment”.

Colin Davidson said he thought it was “appropriate” to move the sewage works and said the Honey Hill site was a “good spot for it”.

Hazel Smith said the Honey Hill site had been chosen for “very good reasons”. She said: “The new works will be a very rare opportunity to use completely new technology and improve on the processes some of which were in use on the current site for over 100 years. I fully support the proposal to move the sewage works and remediate the site.”

The UK Health Security Agency also said it was “reassured” previous things it had raised have been addressed. The agency said it was “satisfied” the proposals “should not result in any significant adverse impact on public health”.

Anglian Water said that as part of the DCO process, it will be responding in full to each of the representations made during the examination process.

The company also highlighted that it addressed some of the concerns raised on its website.

Anglian Water said the Honey Hill site was chosen after a “detailed site selection study”, explaining that the proposed site offered “greater opportunities to protect and enhance the surrounding environment, deliver improved habitats for wildlife and create increased access and connectivity so people can enjoy the countryside”.

The company said it has also amended the design of the plant as it developed the plans to make it “more sensitive to the landscape and surrounding communities”.

Anglian Water said “minimising odour as far as possible” was of “paramount importance”, adding that additional measures had been included in the plans to reduce odour.

The examining authority is due to now carry out an initial assessment of principal issues after reading the application and the relevant representations, after which it is expected to announce a date from a preliminary meeting.

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