Duo sentenced after teenager seriously injured in Fishponds stabbing

Two teenagers have been sentenced after a youth was stabbed multiple times, requiring life-saving treatment in intensive care in hospital.

Author: Bethan HolmesPublished 7th Jan 2022

The teenage victim received Snapchat messages from a 16-year-old female asking him to meet her in Fishponds on 12 February 2021.

However, when he arrived expecting to find the female for a date, he was instead set upon by a number of males with knives and seriously injured.

A police investigation was launched with appeals to identify the culprits. CCTV footage was also analysed, showing the victim trying to escape to safety.

A 16-year-old male, who stabbed the victim, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm ahead of a trial in November. The female was found guilty of the same offence by jurors.

During her trial, the jury were told the victim was part of a rival group within Bristol and deliberately lured to the Ridgeway Road area that night so he could be attacked.

The offenders, who have since both turned 17 and as juveniles cannot be named for legal reasons, were sentenced at Bristol Crown Court today (Friday 7 January). The male received a four-year sentence and the female three years.

Judge Michael Longman, in imprisoning the duo, described the attack as ‘co-ordinated’ and done with the intention of causing very serious injuries.

Detective Inspector Roger Doxsey said: “This was a vicious and calculated attack on a then 17-year-old boy. He was mercilessly chased and stabbed approximately nine times and left for dead.

“Described in court as a ‘Snapchat honey trap’, the female lured the victim to a park in Fishponds on the understanding that they were having a date, whereupon he was set upon by a number of males with knives.

“After the attack the male offender sent a ‘mic drop emoji’ with his face on via Snapchat to the female offender. His emoji meant ‘job done’ and shows the true intent behind the crime.

“The victim was in intensive care but has thankfully made a steady recovery from his multiple injuries. He bravely gave evidence and we are grateful for his and his family’s support.”

DI Doxsey added: “Knife crime is abhorrent and the risks attached to it are extremely high. I have been shocked by the amount of young people carrying knives within this incident, and the casual approach to violence taken by these youths.

“We need young people to understand the life-changing and life-threatening consequences of carrying and using knives, both for them and their victims.

“We will not hesitate to bring offenders to justice for dangerous knife-related crimes.”