Police operation to tackle drink and drug driving launches across Avon and Somerset

Operation Tonic, which is part of a national operation, runs from 21-27 August

Author: Oliver MorganPublished 21st Aug 2023

A week-long operation has begun across the Westcountry in a bid to reduce serious crashes on the road.

Police officers will be working with CCTV hubs, and conducting roadside checks to try and stop people getting hurt.

Operation Tonic runs across the Avon and Somerset policing area from today (August 21) until Sunday.

The police will be using what's been described as an 'intelligence-driven strategy', with the objective of taking offenders off the road before they can cause harm.

They'll also be conducting proactive high-visibility roadside checks at key locations identified through intelligence-led insights and officers’ local expertise.

Chief Inspector Rob Cheeseman, Head of Road Policing and Road Safety said: “Drink and drug driving was a factor in a third of road traffic collisions (RTCs) in Avon and Somerset in 2021. They involved the deaths of 12 people, all of whom had families, friends and loved ones whose lives will be forever impacted. This is unacceptable.

“This operation will leverage intelligence, visibility, and responsiveness to send a clear message that there is no excuse for endangering lives through drink and drug driving.

“Roadside checks will be taking place across the force area at key times throughout the day and night. We’d remind motorists that they may still be over the limit in the morning if they have been drinking the night before.

“There is no safe way to drink and drug drive, so please don’t take the risk.”

The force say they are also encouraging the public to actively support the campaign by making responsible choices and reporting information to police if they suspect someone is drink or drug driving.

CI Rob Cheeseman said: “If you suspect drink/drug driving is happening, don’t look the other way – tell us.”

“Your information could prevent serious harm to others by helping us make targeted arrests and taking dangerous and irresponsible drivers off our roads.

“By working together with our community and utilising the latest technologies to target offenders, we want to make our roads safer for everyone.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford said: “Road safety is a key area of focus in my Police and Crime Plan and I’m very supportive of Avon and Somerset Police’s operation to tackle drink and drug driving.

“It is shocking that individuals still think it is acceptable to get behind the wheel when under the influence of drink and/or drugs. We all know what the risks are if you choose to drive while under the influence; not only are you putting your own life at risk but also endangering others. This operation, as well as the wider work the Roads Policing Unit does, will make our roads safer for everyone.”

Causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence of drink/drugs carries a max penalty of life imprisonment.

Police are sharing the following tips to keep drivers safe:

  • Do not drink or drug drive – and do not let anyone you know do so either. Your reaction time will be slower, and you are more of a risk to yourself and others
  • Plan travel arrangements in advance and arrange a designated driver who won’t drink or take any drugs and will take responsibility for getting everyone home safely
  • Be aware of the risks of getting behind the wheel, not just on the evening of drinking, but also the morning after
  • Having a large cup of coffee won’t clear the body of alcohol or dull its effects. The only thing that can sober you up is time
  • It’s safest not to drink at all if you are driving early the next day
  • Drinking at home can make it more difficult to judge measures, so don’t drive

Read more: Police arrest nearly 350 people during winter drink and drug driving campaign

You can report drink and drug driving on the Avon and Somerset Police website or by calling 101.

You can also make an anonymous report on via Crimestoppers.

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