Council tax in Bradford to rise by 4.99%

The 2021/22 budget will not include any major cuts to services or jobs

Author: Henry WinterPublished 19th Feb 2021

Bradford Council has agreed to its budget for the upcoming year, which will include a 4.99 per cent tax rise, during an at times ill-tempered meeting.

Unlike other recent budgets, the 2021/22 budget will not include any major cuts to services or jobs. But the decision to include a 1.99 per cent Council Tax rise and a three per cent social care surcharge on top of that led to much of the debate at this afternoon’s meeting – which was held online.

The Conservative group had proposed an alternative budget, where Council tax payers would only see a 1.5 per cent increase, and criticised the leading Labour group for imposing the maximum possible tax rise at a time when many people were facing financial hardship.

But the Leader of Bradford Council dismissed these proposals as a “political sleight of hand.”

The Labour budget involved dipping into Council reserves to the tune of ÂŁ6.4 million as well as the increase in Council Tax.

Council staff would receive a 2 per cent pay rise, and there would be a delay to planned welfare rights cuts of ÂŁ844,000. Planned cuts to youth services of over half a million would be scrapped, and there would bee an extra ÂŁ600,000 invested in street cleaning.

The Housing First programme, a scheme to help the homeless people in the District to find stable accommodation, will get a base budget of ÂŁ360,000.

Council Leader Susan Hinchcliffe described the budget as one that would give people in the district “hope.”

Presenting his party’s alternative budget, Conservative Mike Pollard pointed out that “apocalyptic” predictions made last year that the authority could face a £60 million budget gap due to Covid had not emerged thanks to Government grants and support.

He said it was wrong to introduce the planned pay rise for Council Tax when so many residents of Bradford faced financial uncertainty. He said: “It is good for Council staff, but not as good for households in the district that don’t have a member on the Council pay roll.”

The Conservative budget would scrap some of Labour’s budget proposals, such as equality development and the Housing First Programme. Cllr Pollard said Government support for the homeless during lockdown meant this further funding for homeless services was not needed.

He added: “This is responsible, Conservative budget for that has the maximum support at this difficult time for the District’s Council Tax payers.”

The party also criticised Labour plans to support a number of regeneration schemes, such as Darley Street Market and One City Park.

Councillor Dale Smith said: “We reject this five per cent rise proposed by Labour to fund pay awards and grand schemes in the city centre.”

Conservative Leader Rebecca Poulsen said: “We would love to pay public sector staff more, they do work hard. But can you look a retail worker in the eye and say public sector staff are going to get a pay rise – and it is your tax that will pay for it?”

Cllr Hinchcliffe pointed out that local government support from national government was not guaranteed beyond the summer, and told Cllr Pollard: “Your budget is risky in the extreme.

“The Council Tax aspect is a political sleight of hand. Were you in power you would not be able to mess around with Council Tax like that. Most Councils, including Conservative ones, are having to put up Council Tax. Your plan will cost £4 million this year, and every year. That is £40 million over 10 years. Where you’re finding that money from, you’re not telling us.”

She said Council staff had seen a relative pay cut due to a lay of pay rises over the years. She said: “Don’t try and turn public sector staff against private sector staff.”

The Liberal Democrats alternate budget proposed extra investment in green projects and social care.

Leader of the Lib Dems Jeanette Sunderland said: “We want to see a step change in our approach to climate change.”

Referring to the Conservative’s budget, she added: “It is shameful they are placing a bigger burden on people who need care the most.”

Urging the Labour leadership to focus on public health and improving local green spaces rather than developing regeneration projects she said: “Stop trying to be property developers.”

The Green Party’s alternate budget involved a huge investment in environmental proposals such as decarbonisation and dealing with the illegal air quality levels in parts of the District.

It included the replacement of street trees, investment in walking and cycling routes and the creation of a ÂŁ10 million climate fund.

Councillor Kevin Warnes said the budget was “ambitious, fully costed, deliverable and absolutely necessary.” He added: “If we don’t do the impossible, we’ll be faced with the unthinkable.”

The Labour budget was voted through with 49 Councillors voting to support it, 20 voting against and seven abstaining.