Teenager who raped girl, 12, at Galashiels beauty spot is jailed

Author: Ally McGilvrayPublished 7th Jun 2023
Last updated 7th Jun 2023

A teenager who raped a 12-year-old girl at a community woodland in Galashiels has been jailed for three years.

Myles Harris committed the offence at the town's Gala Policies on January the 16th last year - aged 18.

The High Court in Edinburgh today (Wednesday) heard Harris, now 19, had no memory of the incident due to "excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs", but accepted that he was responsible for the attack.

He was said to have started abusing drugs aged just 12 and his use became more problematic following the death of his grandmother, when he was 15.

His defence counsel, Lili Prais, said Harris - who appeared via a video link - was "disgusted" with himself and "devastated" by his actions that night.

She said the teenager, from Galashiels, had made "appalling life choices" and associated with a "negative peer group" at the time.

But she pointed out he has made efforts to turn his life around - adding he no longer abuses drugs or alcohol, and had distanced himself from the people he had been mixing with by moving in with his grandparents in England, where he hopes to return following his time in custody.

Miller was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh.

A background report revealed Harris, who has one previous conviction for a road traffic offence, has the potential to be assessed for ADHD and bi-polar disorder, and does not appear to hold any deviant views about pre-pubescent children.

Ms Prais added: "He has not always had a positive relationship with his parents, but they have supported him and visited him in custody."

A victim impact statement revealed the girl - described as a survivor of rape - still suffers "serious" and "ongoing" effects from her experience on a "daily" basis.

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The Judge in the case, Lord Scott, said only a custodial sentence would be appropriate. But he said the sentence, which is backdated to May 11th when Harris was first remanded, would have been longer but for his age and his early guilty plea - which spared the need for his victim to give evidence.

In addition to the jail term, Harris was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

Passing sentence, Lord Scott told Harris: “I am told that you have no memory of the incident due to your consumption of drink or drugs. I must make it clear that the use of alcohol and drugs provide you with no excuse or mitigation at all.

“Given the circumstances and gravity of the offence, only a custodial sentence is appropriate.”

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