Freedom of Information request reveals how many people are waiting for a new home in the Borders

Work has resumed on new homes at Buckholm in Galashiels, following a delay of almost a year.
Author: Ally McGilvrayPublished 30th May 2023
Last updated 30th May 2023

More than 11,000 people are waiting for a new home to rent in the Borders with the region's biggest social landlord - and more than 3,000 of them are children.

The figures, released by Scottish Borders Housing Association following a Freedom of Information request, account for around half of all those registered with the region's four main housing associations (22,352) - although some of them may have applied to more than one.

Local Conservative MP John Lamont says he's alarmed by the figures and wants to know why the SNP-led Scottish Government has cut its housing budget.

But the Scottish Government has responded by saying it spends more than three times as much on affordable housing per person than the UK Government, and remains committed to delivering 110,000 new homes by 2032.

New tenants recently moved in to Eildon's latest development at McQueen Gardens in Galashiels.

Mr Lamont said: “The SNP Government should be ashamed that over 22,000 people, including nearly 9,000 children, are currently on social housing waiting lists across the Borders.

“These shocking statistics expose the SNP’s failure to build enough affordable homes for workers and families across the Borders.

“It is an absolute disgrace that the SNP cut the national housing budget at a time when so many people are waiting for social housing.

“The SNP must focus on crucial matters like this instead of getting distracted from the day job by their constant push for another divisive referendum.”

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As of March 31st this year, Selkirk-based SBHA had 6,475 applications for housing, which equate to 11,740 people, including 3,314 under the age of 18.

Hawick-based Waverley Housing counted 2,792 people on their waiting list, including 1,765 children and young people.

Eildon Housing, which also has its headquarters in Selkirk, had 2,722 "live applications for housing", equating to 5,881 people, including 1,989 under the age of 18.

And Berwickshire Housing Association, which has offices in Eyemouth and Duns, had 1,939 "active registrations", including 1,655 under the age of 18.

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The Scottish Government says it continues to collaborate with all its partners to achieve a shared goal of delivering more affordable homes for Scotland.

A spokesperson said: “Scotland has led the UK in delivering affordable housing and Scottish Government per capita spending on affordable housing is more than three times higher than that of the UK Government.

"We have delivered more than 118,000 homes since 2007, and we remain committed to making available £3.5 billion for affordable housing over the current parliamentary session as part of our ambitious plans to deliver 110,000 affordable homes by 2032."

Meanwhile, more than £100,000 worth of energy vouchers have been distributed to some of the hardest-hit households in the region between April 2022 and March 2023 to help with soaring bills amid the cost-of-living crisis.

During that time, the Borders Housing Network revealed it saw a 119 per cent increase in the number of people needing its support.

Eildon's chief executive Nile Istephan, speaking on behalf of the BHN, said: “In the last year, we had to increase our resources and efforts to support the rising number of cases of hardship being managed by the four Housing Associations. The Borders Housing Network (BHN) worked together to address the significant challenges of rising energy costs faced by our tenants.”

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