New food delivery app launches in Wolverhampton

A new food delivery app launches in Wolverhampton today, supporting dozens of independent restaurants and takeaways.

Ben Woodall and Matt Brown - founders of Wolverhampton Eats
Author: Kellie MaddoxPublished 18th Mar 2021

Wolverhampton Eats has been developed by local lads Ben Woodall and Matt Brown, who hope it will help businesses in the city bounce back from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Launching today (March 18), the app and website currently has 50 outlets signed up, including Canalside Bar & Grill, Grumpys Burger n Dogs, ISO Sushi Wok & Grill, Kaptin Korma and Meat House.

It allows users to quickly place orders online for delivery or collection.

Co-founder Ben told us: "We know that people in Wolverhampton are very proud and loyal to the city and the surrounding areas, so we feel we can offer them something here which will tap into that.

“The plan was to have 30 businesses involved so we had some critical mass for the launch date and we smashed that figure in a few months, almost doubling it by the time we are due to go live.”

50 local outlets have already signed up to the service

His business partner Matt adds: “Our website and app is available to any restaurant, takeaway, café or independent producer with a WV postcode, except for those based in Bridgnorth.

“It’s a risk-free way of outlets gaining an additional marketing boost and a new way of selling, with no joining fees, small commission charges and, better still, a local person that is invested in helping their business grow.

“Wolverhampton Eats is a celebration of the food and drink scene. Enjoy local and buy local is our message and we believe it will give the sector a much-needed lift.”