Man jailed for Telford collision injuring three

26-year-old Djay Marques was driving dangerously and crashed into another car

Published 29th Nov 2024

A man who caused a serious collision in Telford has been jailed.

The crash happened along Parkway in Woodside on November 26, 2023, leaving three people with life changing injuries.

Djay Marques, of Carisbrooke Road in Wednesbury, West Midlands collided with another car at around 5.40pm.

The three people in the other vehicle had to be cut out of their car.

Marques then fled the scene.

The impact of the collision meant that Marques' mobile automatically called 999, which placed him at the scene of the incident.

After a manhunt, Marques handed himself into police in June.

He was subsequently charged with three counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving and pleaded guilty to the charges in October at Shrewsbury Crown Court.

Marques has been given a three and a half year custodial sentence, as well as a three and half year driving ban today (Nov 29th)

PC Ben Ward, from the force’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “Marques actions that night not only left three people with life changing injuries, but also delayed us getting any form of justice for them after he fled the scene.

“I am grateful to the judge for the sentence he has handed to Marques today, and I hope it is able to bring some sort of closure to his victims, who have already suffered enough," he said.