New short film celebrates Reading Abbey's 900th Anniversary

Author: Jonathan RichardsPublished 15th Jan 2021

A short film has been produced to mark Reading Abbey’s 900th anniversary in 2021.

Reading Abbey 900 has been produced to raise awareness of the Abbey as one of England’s outstanding medieval gems and to encourage visits to Reading later in the year, once the current COVID situation allows.

The film was initially created as part of the tourism work Reading UK has undertaken with UK and international travel trade operators to support the visitor and hospitality economy in Reading. With the beginning of 2021 coinciding with continued tightened restrictions on travelling and a #stayhome message, Reading UK is now launching the film directly to the visitor market to encourage people to plan a visit to Reading later in the year.

Nigel Horton-Baker, Executive Director, Reading UK, said:

“The Abbey’s 900th anniversary in 2021 provides Reading with a real opportunity to celebrate the heritage on our doorstep and to attract visitors to walk in the footsteps of 900 years of history. Reading’s tourism and hospitality economy has been decimated by the global pandemic but we are hopeful that once restrictions are lifted later in the year and the situation once again allows people to travel, heightened awareness of Reading Abbey’s remarkable history will encourage people to come, explore and stay in Reading. In the meantime, our new film will introduce Reading Abbey Ruins to those who have not yet had the opportunity to visit.”

The film Reading Abbey 900 was Made in Reading. It was commissioned and written by Reading UK.

It can be viewed at