Plans unveiled to tackle speeding in East Reading

The plans include speed humps, new signs and traffic islands

Author: Tevye Markson, Local Democracy ReporterPublished 8th Nov 2020

Plans have been unveiled to tackle speeding in parts of east Reading with speed humps, new signs and more.

In 2016, the 20mph zone was introduced in Redlands, which covers an area including Royal Berkshire Hospital, the University of Reading, Reading School and The Abbey School.

The area contained some existing traffic calming features such as speed humps, cushions and tables prior to becoming a 20mph zone.

Some additional features were added to ensure the area complies with regulations on 20mph zones, including gateway entrance and exit signs and ‘20’ painted marks on the road.

But the council says some motorists willingly exceed the speed limit and regular police enforcement “cannot be expected”, which has led to the “desire” for further measures.

Using funding from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contribution towards local schemes £100k, will be spent on traffic calming measures in Redlands Ward.

The measures planned are:

Speed humps and cushions

The proposals include speed humps, which the council says are one of the most effective measures for reducing vehicle speeds.

They also include speed cushions, where it would be inappropriate for full humps due to the streets being on scheduled bus routes.

Priority-flow traffic islands

Planned on Redlands Road, these features are designed to slow motorists by breaking the traffic flow, requiring motorists to look ahead and slow, or even stop, to let opposing traffic pass.

These features will be located away from major junctions and are not expected to significantly increase journey times across the surrounding network.

Junction island

The council found motorists were cutting across the junction of Allcroft Road and Kendrick Road.

It is a wide junction and as such, the ability to cut across it did not encourage motorists on Kendrick Road to slow significantly before undertaking the manoeuvre.

By placing a relatively small island in this junction, it will force approaching motorists to turn at a steeper angle, which will necessitate them slowing on approach.

‘Rubber Kerbing’

The council says non-compliance with the 20pmh limit is affecting some roads more than others, particular Kendrick Road

It recently introduced additional parking bays on Kendrick Road, which it hoped would help but RBCl says there are currently often many vacant spaces, partly due the Covid-19 pandemic.

Therefore, it has proposed ‘rubber kerbing’ or ‘build-outs’ in locations where traffic approaches these parking bays.

The best way to illustrate what this looks means is the picture below.

The cycle lane segregation barriers from the recently removed one-way system on Gosbrook Road would be used for this.

If future parking levels increase, these features can be removed, and the barriers redeployed to other areas.

Pinch point

A pinch point is planned on Redlands Road, which will leave sufficient width for two-way passing of traffic, whilst narrowing the road so it feels less ‘comfortable’ to do at speed.

20mph signs

To visually reinforce the 20mph speed limit, signs will be erected on posts and lamp columns, primarily focused on these roads: · Addington Road · Alexandra Road · Allcroft Road · Craven Road · Eastern Avenue · Eldon Road · Elmhurst Road · Erleigh Road · Kendrick Road · Morgan Road · Redlands Road · Upper Redlands Road

If there is any remaining budget, this will be used to repaint some ‘20’ marks on the road.

Future proposals

Some existing humps, cushions and tables which were constructed before the area became a 20mph zone could be raised higher to further discourage high speeds.

Councillors will vote on the plans at next week’s Traffic Management sub-committee on Thursday, November 12.

The committee will also be presented with a petition signed by 44 people requesting the council install traffic calming planters on nearby Hamilton Road.

Officers have recommended that councillors ask them to investigate the proposal and present their findings at a future meeting.