Hampshire women talk about the challenges they face as part of International Women's Day

Author: Local Democracy Reporter- David GeorgePublished 8th Mar 2022
Last updated 8th Mar 2022

Women are still facing gender-based bias in all walks of life – and we all have a part to play in recognising and tackling it.

That is the sentiment being shared in Hampshire by politicians, entrepreneurs and others for International Women’s Day, which is being held tomorrow (Tuesday, March 8).

International Women’s Day takes place to commemorate the cultural, political and socioeconomic achievements of women across the world.

As part of the event, the Local Democracy Reporting Service has spoken to women from all walks of life, to find out what it means to them and the sorts of problems women continue to face in society.

Councillor Jan Warwick is Hampshire County Council’s executive member for climate change, having been elected in 2017.

She says balancing being a politician and a mum has challenges that some might not understand.

‘Although I’ve always had an interest in politics, and enjoy being a local councillor, it does create a challenge if you have caring responsibilities,’ Cllr Warwick said.

‘As a mum I know how challenging it can be to find childcare in the evening, or face the guilt of walking out to get to a meeting on time, when help is needed with homework. I’m sure this is also a challenge for the many women who care for older relatives.

‘Some district council meetings can be very lengthy – starting at 7pm and finishing after midnight.’

For entrepreneurs, there is still a gender bias in the business world, with women’s achievements being dismissed and even gendered vocabulary.

Jennifer Sanchez, founder of Liberty and Dimples and Daisies Photography in Portsmouth and Into the Savannah, a homeware and antiques shop in Southsea, said: ‘The gender bias I’ve seen being an entrepreneur is in the word ‘mumpreneur’, being called a ‘female business owner’ or a ‘girl boss’ and especially being a mum, the expectation that childcare is a bigger priority than my male counterparts who also have children.

‘I am a business owner, I’m an entrepreneur, I’m a boss. Those aren’t men’s words that we need to add bits onto to make acceptable for us, we can be those things too.

‘My business is based in a largely male-dominated industry. I’ve created a company that is very far away from the patriarchy in the energy it brings, the team we have and how we make our clients feel.

‘I feel like I’ve created a space for women with the female energy in an industry that needs it and if us women can continue to create things like this that disrupt the norm in these industries then we’re one step closer to where we need to be.’

Charlotte Carter from Hilsea, founder of carterbags.com, added: ‘One of my first jobs was working in an electrical wholesaler and I was faced with gender bias on an almost daily basis.

‘I’d have comments such as ‘you only closed that sale because you’re a girl’, ‘you go and stand on the counter because you’ll bring the men in who will spend because you’re a girl’. When you’re in an account management role, that’s not how you want to be spoken to or perceived.

‘Working for myself has enabled me to take control over how much I’m earning, it’s given me way more flexibility as a single mum and has given me the confidence to push myself to do more. I can drop my daughter off and pick her up from school while earning more money than in my full-time employed role.

‘International Women’s Day is great because it helps to raise awareness about not just the inequality that still exists, but how far we’ve come in getting equality for women, celebrating how we’re making significant strides to make things better for ourself and for others as well.’

In both business and politics, there is an ongoing push for better representation.

Alison Wilson has been the co-owner of Balmer Lawn Hotel and Spa in Brockenhurst for 25 years, and says she has seen some positive change in that time.

She said: ‘Gender roles are changing but there is always more that can be done. We should be seeing more female chefs, and perhaps more male housekeepers, too.

‘I do feel the hospitality industry is already on the right path to taking women in leadership more seriously. With that in mind, the female leaders in our industry need to continue to nurture and foster strong leadership roles for women. This is especially important for the next generation of leaders to come.

‘Placing women in high-level leadership positions needs to become more standardised and we need to ensure all the tools are in place for the next generation of female talent to succeed.’

Hampshire County Council currently has 53 male councillors and 25 female councillors.

Cllr Warwick is pushing for better representation in politics, calling it a ‘great platform’ to raise awareness of the adversity women continue to face.

She said: ‘There were a few women councillors when I was first elected in 2017, but I am pleased to say there are even more following the 2021 elections.

‘At Hampshire County Council we have a balanced cabinet, and yes, of course it would be good to reach an even closer balance of representation, and leadership that better reflects the population demographic of Hampshire.

‘Politics is a very exciting world and International Woman’s Day reminds us that in the UK we have had two female prime ministers. Politics is also hard work – you have to be confident to knock on doors, listen to residents’ views, be able to convey your message, be kind and debate on important issues.

‘It is a great platform to hear women’s voices loud and clear – and the reward is you can be part of making change and a positive difference to your community.’