Hampshire residents asked for feedback over future transport needs

Author: Jonathan RichardsPublished 15th Jan 2021

Hampshire County Council is asking for views on the principles and vision of the Hampshire Local Transport Plan.

Councillor Rob Humby, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment at Hampshire County Council, said:

“This is a critical and opportune time to set out how we want to travel and move about in the future. These extraordinary times we are living in, through COVID-19 and the impact of Climate Change, mean we have a unique opportunity to shape a clean, healthy, fair and sustainable transport future for Hampshire. To this end, I very much want to start a conversation with as wide a group of interested parties as possible to help develop a new transport strategy and plan for the county.”

Hampshire County Council’s Climate Change Strategy sets a target of net zero carbon for the county by 2050 and the County Council has set out a 2050 Vision for Hampshire that puts environmental issues at the heart of the Authority’s decision making.

Councillor Humby continued: “We know that nearly one third of Hampshire’s total carbon emissions come from transport, so how we choose to move about is a key factor in how successful we will be in meeting the target we’ve set in our Climate Change Strategy.

“To help inform the Local Transport Plan, we want to hear from all Hampshire communities and those who represent them. We need your thoughts, your expertise and your local knowledge to help us formulate a transport policy fit for Hampshire now and for the future.”

Once established, the new Local Transport Plan will set the objectives, policies and strategy for transport across the county for the next 30 years.

To view more information and to leave feedback, go to: https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/localtransportplan