£1 million to be offered to Hampshire's vulnerable

Grants for 'innovative projects' available

Author: Jonathan RichardsPublished 14th Jun 2021

Hampshire County Council is backing local projects across the county which aim to support people - specifically anyone deemed to be clinically vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable, to recover from the past year and focus on the future.

The Getting Going Again Fund of £950,000 is divided into 11 lots, aligned to the county’s 11 district and borough councils, with the amount of money available dependent on the number of clinically extremely vulnerable residents living in each area.

Hampshire County Council’s Executive Member for Adult Services and Public Health, Councillor Liz Fairhurst said:

“The pandemic has had a major impact on many aspects of our lives, but for some, getting going again and back to a semblance of normality is proving very difficult.

“This grants programme is designed to assist local organisations – be they community groups or local councils – in their work to support vulnerable people, to help them recover from the impacts of the pandemic and return to more normal ways of life, in a way that is safe.”

To help fund this particular set of grants, Hampshire County Council will use a proportion of the wider £4 million funding from Government to support people in Hampshire who are clinically extremely vulnerable or clinically vulnerable.

Organisations interested in applying for grants can find further information on the County Council’s website

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Greatest Hits Radio (Berkshire & North Hampshire)