West Berkshire Community Champion Awards nominations

Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond in the community?

Author: Jonathan RichardsPublished 29th Oct 2021
Last updated 29th Oct 2021

Time is running out to nominate in this year's community champion awards in West Berkshire.

The Community Champion Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to people who have done something special for their local community and will honour those individuals and community groups who have gone above and beyond to support residents throughout West Berkshire this year.

Nominations close on Monday 1 November. All of the awards will be judged by an independent panel and the winners will be presented with their award at an awards ceremony to be held in January 2022.

Community Champions Awards 2021 categories:

The Pat Eastop Junior Citizen of the Year. This recognises someone 18-years-old or under, who lives in West Berkshire (or their contribution has been of benefit to the residents of West Berkshire) and has made an outstanding contribution to the district and its residents. This could be through helping or caring for someone disadvantaged, performing an act of bravery, making the district a better place to live or work or having achieved excellence in education, training, employment or another outside activity.

Volunteer of the Year. This recognises someone living in West Berkshire (or their contribution has been of benefit to the residents of West Berkshire) who has made an outstanding contribution and shown exceptional commitment to an unpaid activity.

Community Group of the Year. This award recognises and rewards a community group (based within West Berkshire or providing a service to the benefit of West Berkshire residents) which has made an exceptional contribution to the district and its residents. Small or large, all groups will be considered in relation to the impact they have had.

Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognises someone who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment either in an unpaid role, involved in a project or other initiative or delivered long-lasting benefit to the community. The nominee must live in West Berkshire or their contribution has been of benefit to the residents of West Berkshire

Councillor Clive Hooker, Chairman of West Berkshire Council, said:

“The Community Champion Awards is the biggest highlight of the year for us as it’s a fantastic opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to those individuals and groups who give up their time to support other residents in West Berkshire.

“At West Berkshire Council we recognise the wonderful efforts of these volunteers and the difference they make. These awards are our opportunity to reflect on their efforts and show our appreciation on what they have done. The past 18 months in particular has shown how grateful we all are for communities pulling together through such a challenging time.

“These awards seek to recognise our unsung heroes in all their guises with the calibre of nominations always to a high standard. I would urge local residents to please take a few moments to nominate the people undertaking great work in our community across the district no matter how big or small.”

Nominations are now open and can be made online by visiting: www.westberks.gov.uk/communitychampion

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