Basingstoke council conservative leader ousted

Simon Minas-Bound loses leadership vote

Author: Jonathan RichardsPublished 18th May 2023
Last updated 19th May 2023

Independent Cllr Paul Harvey has been elected as Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s new Leader.

His appointment came after the elections on Thursday 4 May resulted in no party having a voting majority.

At the Council meeting tonight (Thursday 18 May), a motion to remove Cllr Simon Minas-Bound as Leader and replace him with Cllr Harvey, who is the leader of the Independent Forum, was successful.

This will be second time as Leader for Cllr Harvey, who last had the role in the 2005/2006 council year.

The Liberal Democrat group leader Cllr Gavin James was announced as the Deputy Leader, but will be known as Co-Leader, and he will also be the Cabinet Member for Finance, Business and Property.

Cllr Harvey announced the councillors that would be taking the other roles in the Cabinet, who are a mix of Independent Forum councillors and Liberal Democrat councillors:

Cabinet Member for Climate and Ecological Emergency - Cllr Chris Tomblin

Cabinet Member for Communities, Partnerships and Inclusion - Cllr John Mackay

Cabinet Member for Major Projects and Regeneration - Cllr Onnalee Cubitt

Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services and Housing - Cllr Laura James

Cabinet Member for Sports, Leisure and Culture - Cllr Kerry Morrow

Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure - Cllr Andy Konieczko

Cllr Harvey said:

“Our new administration will be a collective of councillors all working together for the good of the borough.

“This is a new chapter that brings with it a new administration that I am proud to lead with my colleagues, jointly, together for the whole of our borough. Our cabinet, full of talent and ambition will work to unlock the potential of our borough.

“We will offer leadership, focus and action on the priorities people have so clearly said matter most to them.

“There is so much to be done, and our intention is to get down to the work of making Basingstoke and Deane a better place for everyone and to run a council that is inclusive, open and welcoming. To seek a ‘can do’ approach to the people’s issues. To hold in trust the people’s finances and put them to good use delivering those priorities.

“As the page now turns and we look to the future, I thank Cllr Minas-Bound for his service to the borough.”

The chairs of the committees were elected as:

Scrutiny Committee – Cllr Paul Miller

Economic Planning and Housing Committee – Cllr Chloe Ashfield

Community Environment and Partnerships Committee – Cllr Jo Slimin

Manydown Overview Committee – Cllr Angie Freeman

Development Control Committee – Cllr Andy McCormick

Licensing Committee – Cllr Tony Jones

Human Resources Committee – Cllr Andrea Bowes

Audit and Accounts Committee – Cllr Paul Basham

Standards Committee – Verity Murricane

Response from Conservative opposition leader

Note sent to the new leader

Outgoing leader Simon Minas-Bound sent the note above to Cllr Harvey saying:

"After last night's council meeting I sent the new Leader an important note to remind him that he has taken control of a council with strong finances. The highest spend in Hampshire with the lowest council tax.

"There is a fully formed & funded council plan to improve recycling, start generating significant renewable energy, protecting our countryside and a pipeline of inward investment in tourism, university education and health facilities.

"Although I’m not sure it is clear what the rainbow coalition stands for. It is important the new administration remember they have a duty to deliver for all our citizens. "

Paul Harvey dismissed the note describing it as a "cheap gimmick" and he was disappointed to receive it.

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