Woman guilty of manslaughter

Dementia sufferer Myra Coutinho-Lopez, 82, was pushed to the floor by Courtney Richman, 26, at a bank in Welwyn Garden City

Author: Cameron GreenPublished 1st Mar 2024

A woman was found guilty yesterday (Thursday 29 February) of manslaughter following an incident at a Welwyn Garden City bank.

Courtney Richman, aged 26, of George Court in Welwyn Garden City, was handed the verdict at Luton Crown Court.

The victim was 82 year old Myra Coutinho-Lopez, also from Welwyn Garden City. She was described by her family as a truly unique person’ who had a ‘strong commitment to supporting others whenever and wherever possible’.

The court heard that on Monday 6 December 2021, Myra and Richman were involved in an altercation in Lloyds Bank in Howardsgate.

Myra, who suffered with dementia, had attended the bank to withdraw money but became confused when presented with her bank statements. As the staff tried to help, a queue of other customers began to form, including Richman.

The court heard that an argument broke out between the two over the length of time that Myra was taking. When Myra moved from the counter following the offer of assistance from a member of public, Richman was seen clapping her hands.

Myra then swung her handbag towards Richman who was hit by it as she turned away.

It was after this moment that Richman pushed Myra with both hands, causing Myra to travel some distance, landing on the floor on her hip and shoulder. She was taken to hospital but sadly died from her injuries.

Richman was arrested the following day.

Detective Inspector Iain MacPherson, from the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit, said: “I am pleased that justice has been served today. Myra Coutinho-Lopez was a vulnerable member of the community and instead of showing patience and compassion, Richman behaved with frustration and anger. Even afterwards in her police interview, Richman rolled her eyes on numerous occasions when Myra’s age was mentioned.

“My thoughts remain with Myra’s family and I would like to thank them for the dignity they have shown whilst enduring the trial. While nothing will take away the pain of losing Myra, I hope today’s verdict provides some comfort.”

Myra’s daughter, Michelle Lopez, commented: “I am pleased to have got justice for my mum after what has been a long wait.”

In tribute to their loved one, Myra’s family released the following statement:

“Myra Coutinho-Lopez, was the youngest of five sisters. Shortly after her marriage at the age of 21, Myra became mother to two sons and two daughters, who became her focus and priority in life, and she centred around providing for and rearing her children successfully, and continued to do so single-handedly when she sadly became a widow at the young age of 39. To that end, Myra cultivated an exceptional career holding several executive positions including at Parliament. Myra's entrepreneurial talent soon shone through as she became extremely accomplished, running multiple businesses as well as real estate both nationally and internationally.

“As a Jehovah's Witness, Myra dedicated much of her life to helping others realize the joy and peace that she had experienced from her faith. Her kindness, generosity and hospitality were abundant, Myra had a strong commitment to supporting others whenever and wherever possible, not only with her time and finances but also with her business acumen.

“An independent, vibrant and active lady, Myra loved to dance. She was a talented musician who could play any tune “by ear” and often entertained others with her keyboard skills and singing or playing the CDs that she had personally created and recorded later on in life and that she aptly named 'Myra's Sunset Wonder'. A truly unique person with a wonderful sense of humour, Myra exuded confidence, she was an attractive lady, who was always fashionably dressed, and well-presented and remained so throughout her years. Myra was never shy to share advice on how to maintain good looks and health and have a positive outlook for the future. She truly was an example of how to survive and thrive in life despite adversities and setbacks.

“Myra's life was taken away from her on 16 December 2021 and has left behind a tremendous void to all who knew her including her beloved children, extended family and lifelong friends worldwide, who miss her deeply and will continue to cherish her memory and honour her legacy of kindness, fortitude and generosity.”

Richman will be sentenced on Friday 19 April.
