We should recognise lives lost fighting for our freedoms, says RAF Wycombe officer

An RAF Wycombe officer speaks of Remembrance Sunday being an opportunity to remember lives lost for our freedoms.

Remembrance Sunday
Author: Zoe Head-ThomasPublished 10th Nov 2023

On today's Remembrance Sundays, the lives lost in both World Wars are being commemorated.

People across the UK will be joining veterans and serving officers in local events.

Sergeant Ken Ivory, from RAF High Wycombe, said: "It's important to commemorate the people who have served and lost their lives in various conflicts throughout time, and obviously conflicts which are still going on today."

Sgt Ivory spoke of the importance of acknowledging the sacrifice made by officers in protecting our freedoms, especially in the current hostile climate.

Yesterday marked 105 years since the Armistice was signed, on November 11, 1918, and current conflicts are, for many, bringing back images of war.

He said: "It's still occurring today, and obviously what people have gone through in previous wars is very important as well. We have our liberties to do with those people who gave their lives."

"Obviously we may not have the same front line role that we have or had in the past, but it must be very frightening for those individuals and the people caught up in those war zones."

Sgt Ivory served in Afghanistan and experienced war first-hand and spoke of his experience.

He said: "Sirens go off and you have to immediately dive into cover, normally in ditches, and then have to wait for the all clear which usually takes quite a long time, and then you try to get on with your day."

Upon their return, officers often have to face lived trauma and PTSD, which can be triggered by sounds or images.

The SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity, helps support veterans and serving officers through difficult times, whether it is current experiences or past trauma.

Sgt Kenneth Ivory spoke of how important the SSAFA is to help veterans overcome huge challenges.

You can find more information about the charity here.