Teenage boy stabbed in buttock in High Wycombe

The victim was also hit in the face with a chain during the assault on Tuesday

Author: Charlotte FisherPublished 30th Oct 2020

A teenage boy has been hit in the face with a chain and stabbed in his buttock in High Wycombe.

It happened at around 3.30pm on Tuesday (20th Oct) when the victim was with another teenage boy walking along Bridge Street and they were approached by four men.

Following an altercation, the victim was assaulted and hit in the face with a chain and stabbed in his left buttock.

The victim sustained lacerations and was treated by paramedics near the scene.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Amy Hennah, based at High Wycombe police station said:

“This was an isolated incident that took place during the day on a busy street and may have been witnessed by others.

“If you did witness this incident or have any information that might help with our investigation, please get in touch.

“You can make a report online or by calling 101 and quoting reference 43200338545.

“Alternatively, if you wish to remain 100% anonymous you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.