Shoppers in Bucks Beds and Herts encouraged to shop last minute presents second-hand

A environmental group encourages shoppers to consider second-hand Christmas presents

Second-hand books
Author: Zoe Head-ThomasPublished 23rd Dec 2023

As we enter the countdown to Christmas, town centres are expected to be busy this weekend for last minute shoppers.

Although children may have sent their lists to Santa with the newest and latest toys, environmental groups are encouraging parents to consider second-hand presents.

Amanda Yorweth, member of the environmental group Friends of the Earth in St Albans, said: "We're coming up to Christmas, and it can turn into a bit of a consumer fest if we're not careful, so really particularly at this time of year, spend your money wisely."

For Ms Yorwerth, it's about giving items in perfectly good condition a second life, be kinder to the environment, and save some money all at once.

She said: "Now it feels quite fine actually having repurposed clothes, preloved clothes, vintage clothes. It's now quite acceptable and trendy."

"I think we're at the stag now where actually, gifting a vintage gift is fine."

Whether it's clothes, toys, or books, a range of present ideas can be found in second-hand shops, and proceeds in most of these shops go to charity.

Ms Yorwerth added: "Gifts that don't have to be brought all the way from China, that don't involve a lot of plastic, aren't going to have a huge toll on the planet."

"I'm not saying forget Christmas completely but just be a bit mindful."