Proposed reductions in speed limits throughout Bucks receives cross-party support

A drop to 20mph is being looked at around primary and secondary schools in some areas.

Author: Rory ButlerPublished 16th Oct 2020
Last updated 16th Oct 2020

Measures to bring down speed limits throughout Buckinghamshire, especially near “schools and in built-up areas”, have received cross-party support

Calls for 20mph zones across the county to safeguard lives have sounded from every corner of the political arena – with representatives from one town agreeing to fight for funding.

Measures to bring down speed limits throughout Buckinghamshire, especially near “schools and in built-up areas”, have received cross-party support – but making them a reality for the public hinges on local investment.

The move, raised by both Labour and Green Party members, has seen backing from Conservative councillor and cabinet member for transport Nick Naylor.

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During a recent Transport, Environment and Climate Change Select Committee, Cllr Naylor said: “If local members wish to investigate or implement 20mph schemes… we would be happy to work with communities and councillors where they feel the need for a speed limit is likely to help.”

He added however they must be “generated and funded locally”, including through Community Boards.

Cllr Naylor’s comment was in response to a question by Green Party member, Cllr David Lyons, who asked: “Will Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) be looking at wholistic traffic speeds for communities across Buckinghamshire, rather than nuggets here and there?”

He was commenting after a series of 20mph zones were implemented in his village of Haddenham.

Labour Cllr Majid Hussain is said to be seeking the very same for High Wycombe: “I’ve done a two-month survey asking people if they would want a 20mph limit around primary and secondary schools and the feedback so far has been ‘yes’ every single time.

“Clearly the limit does make a difference, the impact during an accident at 20mph as opposed to 30mph is a lot less, and it is in my opinion something we need to talk about in more detail.”

Cllr Naylor asked to be kept up to date with any local data gathered by Cllr Hussain.

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In Buckingham, town council members agreed to seek funding “for a traffic order… to lower speed limits in areas… where 20mph is appropriate,” according to Labour Cllr Robin Stuchbury.

The motion was brought by Cllr Anthony Ralph.