HS2 wins High Court injunction to make peaceful protests illegal in Buckinghamshire

HS2 says this injunction "will not, and is not intended to, stop legitimate protest."

Author: Henry WinterPublished 20th Sep 2022
Last updated 20th Sep 2022

HS2 has won a High Court injunction which restricts people's right to protest along the entire route - which passes through Buckinghamshire.

The route-wide injunction makes it a criminal offence for anyone to enter what the company calls “HS2 land” or delay its operations.

It also criminalises “slow walking in front of vehicles in the vicinity of the HS2 Land”.

HS2 is the company behind the new high-speed railway line under construction - which aims to better connect cities across the UK.

The Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) - which has long opposed the high-speed rail project because of the associated environmental damage - says the ruling threatens people's right to peacefully protest the construction.

Matthew Stanton, Head of Planning and Advocacy for BBOWT, said:

“This injunction restricts people’s right to protest peacefully against this environmental disaster. This is an affront to democracy, undermining people’s rights to make their voices heard.

“HS2 Ltd has continued to fail in its duties to protect nature and, while we do not support illegal protest, people must be allowed to protest against this peacefully, without fear of breaking the law.”

The rail company took possession of parts of the charity's Calvert Jubilee reserve between Bicester and Buckingham in 2020 to facilitate the construction.

Security staff have already been accused of being heavy-handed and some BBOWT members have complained to the Trust that they have been intimidated by these staff and have avoided the nature reserves in question as a consequence.

Mr Stanton warned that "Emboldening security staff with such an injunction risks making the situation worse".

He also warned that HS2’s fencing in some areas is so poor that visitors to some of the Trust's nature reserves were able to freely wander onto “HS2 Land” without even realising it. Should they accidently walk onto HS2 land they could technically find themselves facing criminal proceedings under the terms of the injunction.

The injunction also forbids people from obstructing or interfering with the movement of vehicles, equipment or people accessing “HS2 Land”. A person doesn’t even need to be on “HS2 Land” to risk being imprisoned.

A spokesperson for HS2 Ltd said:

“HS2 Ltd welcomes this Judgment and its approval of the route-wide injunction. As Justice Knowles makes clear, this injunction will not, and is not intended to, stop legitimate protest."

"Instead, we hope the injunction will prevent the violence, intimidation, and criminal damage these protests have frequently caused, harming the HS2 project and those working on it, and costing the UK taxpayer millions of pounds.

“The construction of HS2 is playing a vital role in Britain’s economic recovery from the pandemic, with almost 28,000 people already working on the project and tens of thousands of additional jobs supported through our supply chain.

"We urge everyone who cares about our natural environment to support a project that is providing work across the UK today, and in the future will get people out of cars, off planes and onto zero carbon rail travel.”

You can read the full High Court judgment here.